
Open Maps Meeting 5 & 6 November 2024

OpenMaps Meeting

The Open Maps Meeting brings together an international community of geospatial researchers, map curators, open-source developers and other professionals with a love for open data and historical maps

  • November 5 & 6 2024 at the Dutch National Archives and National Library
  • Organized by Jules Schoonman and Vincent Baptist (TU Delft)
  • Funded by Open Science NL, KNAW Humanities Cluster, Stichting Pica and TU Delft.

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Full Programme


Special Issue on Water Management in World Heritage Sites at a Time of Climate Change – Call for Papers

The breakwater during a heavy storm in the World Heritage city of La Valletta, Malta
Image: The breakwater during a heavy storm in the World Heritage city of La Valletta, Malta (Source: Silviomerci1971, 2016 via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0).

In the face of climate change and direct water-related threats such as floods or droughts, water management needs to become an integral part of World Heritage management plans, and this requires more attention from the academic and professional worlds. This special issue aims to provide the thematic and methodological basis - including case studies - for policy makers. The aim of the special issue is to develop a common policy recommendation. It could also become a contribution to the UNESCO Urban Heritage Atlas and form an example of the best practice activities.

Call for Papers

Read the Lead-in Article by Dr. Tino Mager Here

Port Walks with Academics and Professionals 

rotterdam skyline
Taken from here

The article from Erasmus University Rotterdam discusses the interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers Maurice Jansen and Amanda Brandellero. They explore the cultural and creative capital in Rotterdam's port areas, focusing on the impact of creative industries and sustainable development in renovated port areas like RDM and Merwe-Vierhaven. Initiatives like 'Instawalks' help students and the public engage with the port's history and innovations, highlighting the role of small businesses and community practices in enhancing the port's global significance.

For more details, visit the  Read More

Follow Instawalks on Instagram

For past Instawalks read our Blog post  Read More

Vacancy: PhD Position in Activating History and Heritage of Amsterdam's Bridges and Quaywalls for Sustainable Development and Protection

Deadline: 2 June 2024

The UNESCO Chair Water, Ports and Historic Cities of the PortCityFutures center, located in the Chair History of Architecture and Urban Planning at TU Delft explores the relation between water and historic cities through the lens of the World Heritage site of Amsterdam. The Chair History of Architecture and Urban Planning at TU Delft is partner in the Groeifonds project Multifunctional Urban Waterfronts. The PhD researcher will collaborate with members of the Chair to develop and refine methodologies that help us link historical analysis and long-term thinking on quaywalls and bridges in the context of the World Heritage property Amsterdam, the historic urban ensemble of the canal district built at the turn of the 16th and 17th century, to future solutions that protect heritage and allow for sustainable development in line with the UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape approach. The PhD researcher will be employed to co-lead Work package 7 and to connect heritage approaches to research by design.


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Call for Papers: Research Themes PORTUSplus
Deadline: 30 June 2024

PORTUSplus – published by RETE, International Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities – is an open-access journal, peer reviewed and indexed, dedicated to the study of themes concerning the relationship between port and cities and urban waterfronts with a multidisciplinary approach.

The topics addressed in the papers may concern the plurality of dynamics involved in the evolution of urban waterfronts and contemporary port cities, from the point of view of different scientific-disciplinary approaches (economic, social, city-planning, cultural, etc.).

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PORTUSplus Website

Tentative Call for Papers: Journal of Ocean and Society

Mina Akhavan, TU Delft
Carola Hein, TU Delft
Yvonne van Mil, TU Delft

Deadline for Abstracts: 1-15 April 2024
Submission of Full Papers: 1-15 September 2024
Publication of the Issue: January / March 2025

If you wish to contribute, please send the ‘title of your contribution’, ‘author(s)’, ‘email(s) and ‘affiliation of the corresponding author’ by 10 November 2023 to the guest editors:, and

This thematic issue seeks to advance the conceptual, theoretical, and empirical discussion around the spatiality of port(s) and their hosting cities in different regions of the world. The aim is to contribute to the large body of literature by identifying the territorial typology of port-cities starting from the global flows (commodity, passengers and knowledge) that run through maritime and inland ports and create a complex ecosystem. Contributions from various disciplines in urban and social studies should, in particular, address (but are not limited to) the following themes:

  • Typologies and hierarchies of spaces shaped by maritime flows at the port-city interface and within the wider region.
  • Taxonomy of spatial impacts of ports on the surrounding landscape that is affected by the port or port-related activities and vice versa.
  • Innovative interdisciplinary methodologies and tools for studying and planning contemporary port city regions.
  • The role of institutions and multiplicity of stakeholders in shaping port city regions
  • A glossary of policy toolkits, actions and strategies for sustainable development of port-city-regions
  • Examples of multiscale planning tools for governing port city regions, i.e., local and municipal plans, sectorial plans, port planning, Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), etc.
  • Revisiting the concept of port-city relationship through the lens of new urban waterfront and urban regeneration

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Ocean and Society Journal

Nature in Engineering: What’s in it for Planning History? Todd Bridges

Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 12:30 am AEDT

Dr. Todd Bridges is a Professor of Practice in Resilient and Sustainable Systems in the College of Engineering at the University of Georgia. Prior to joining UGA in 2023, Dr. Bridges served for 17 years as the Senior Research Scientist (ST) for Environmental Science for the U.S. Army and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Over his 30-year career with USACE, Dr. Bridges led >$250 million in research projects and programs. In 2010, Dr. Bridges founded the Corps’ Engineering With Nature® program and served as the National Lead for that program until 2023. Among his 100 publications, Dr. Bridges led a 5-year collaboration across the public and private sectors to develop and publish International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management. Dr. Bridges received a Distinguished Presidential Rank Award from President Biden in 2021 for exceptional leadership, accomplishments, and service.

Register for the webinar using the button below, its free!

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Shipping Canals in Transition: Rethinking Spatial, Economic, and Environmental Dimensions From Sea to Hinterland

Members of PortCityFutures have recently published a special issue in the Open Access Journal of Urban Planning. The issue discusses the tension between economic growth and environmental concerns in the context of shipping canals.

The special issue has been edited by: Carola Hein (Delft University of Technology), Sabine Luning (Leiden University), Han Meyer (Delft University of Technology), Stephen J. Ramos (University of Georgia), and Paul van de Laar (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Special Issue

New Publication - Special Issue Port-City Symbiosis in Maritime Economics Logistics, guest editors Carola Hein and Maurice Jansen.

The special issue: Port-City Symbiosis in Maritime Economics and Logistics is now available. Guest editors Carola Hein and Maurice Jansen conceived this issue, which argues that we need to embrace a holistic, inclusive approach to port city development, based on ecosystems values, embedded in various layers of capital: natural, cultural, social, human, industrial and creative.

Read the full introduction to the special issue, written by Carola Hein and Maurice Jansen, or refer to the entire special issue below.

Special Issue

Webinar: Exploring the Social Aspects of Water-related Heritage

Discovering the Social Dimensions of Water: Join us for an International Webinar on Exploring the Social Aspects of Water-related Heritage through Indigenous Water Knowledge, organized by the UNESCO Chair Water, Ports, and Historic Cities and the International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures (ICQHS).

Register now for the webinar on 12th July 2023

Register Here!

The Port City Atlas is now Available!

Mapping European Port City Territories: From Understanding to Design.

PortCityAtlas Cover        PortCityAtlas Cover Example

A multitude of port cities dots Europe’s coastline, all serving the purpose of facilitating maritime transportation. Over millennia, public and private leaders have built harbours, urban spaces and infrastructures in diverse territories to serve hinterlands, including landlocked capital cities and metropolitan areas.
As nodes on the edge of water and land, port city territories embody knowledge on maritime flows and water conditions. At a time of climate change, they can be paradigms and stewards of sustainable development.

The Port City Atlas utilizes an analytical and uniform mapping approach. This allows for greater understanding of the relations between port, city and the surrounding region. The maps and additional visual information facilitate the understanding of multiple port city regions in the context of international trade.

The Atlas was created within the LDE PortCityFutures research group and the Faculty of Architecture TU Delft. It is part of the series on the Urbanization of the Sea, and the kick-off of a sub-series on Mapping Port Cities

Carola Hein, Yvonne van Mil, Lucija Aźman-Momirski - nai010 publishers


Download the TU Delft Open Access Edition Here!

Read more at nai010 publishers


CPCL Vol 7, no 1. Mapping beyond the monodisciplinary approach: Exploring the potential of mapping in comparative research methods.

The aim of this issue is to collect original research articles that provide theoretical as well as practical insights into how we can use mapping methods to better understand and address complex spatial challenges, produce more generalisable findings and establish causal relationships between spatial, socio-cultural and environmental data.

Contributions should link and illustrate mapping approaches with case studies (e.g. port city territories, mining regions, etc.) and clarify how the methodology/approach can be used for comparative research and how it can be applied across scales, disciplines or time periods. With this call, we encourage transdisciplinary contributions involving mapping- based research methods that can contribute to a better understanding of contemporary sustainability challenges and their spatial implications.

Vol 7, no 1 timeline

-        Jun 2023. Launch of Call
-        30 Dec 2023. Deadline for paper submission
-        Jan-Mar 2024. Peer-review process
-        Apr-May 2024. Copy editing and proofreading
-        Jun 2024. Publication

CPCL accepts full papers, written in English, 6,000 words maximum, including footnotes and bibliography. Manuscripts should be submitted online at CPCL does not accept e-mail submissions.

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Port City Atlas in the LDE Magazine: Honderd havensteden in Europa samengebracht in een atlas (Dutch only)

Europese havensteden hebben veel met elkaar gemeen: het zijn economische hotspots, waar urbanisatie, globalisering, migratie, klimaatverandering zichtbaar zijn. Wat kunnen ze van elkaar leren als het gaat om duurzame ontwikkeling en stedelijke transformatie? Een inventarisatie van havensteden, hun omvang en kenmerken kan hierbij helpen.

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New Publication! Port city symbiosis: introduction to the special issue

The Introduction to the Special Issue on Port City Symbiosis by Carola Hein and Maurice Jansen in Maritime Economics and Logistics is now available! The full special issue will be published this May.

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Vacancy: Trainee landscape architecture wanted!

Are you looking for an inspiring internship within a young driven and dynamic team? Then you are the landscape architecture intern we are looking for! As of February/March 2023, the Deltametropool Association is looking for an intern for four to five days a week. Participates, among other things, in our Community of Practice Landscape as a Establishment Condition program.

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Port City Atlas

Taking a comprehensive, mapping based approach, Port City Atlas visualizes 100 port city territories located on four seas and connected through shared waters. It provides a foundation for comparative analysis beyond case study approaches that are often locked into national contexts, select languages or disciplinary approaches. Conceived as a work of reference, the book makes the case for a sea-based approach to the understanding and design of Europe.

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CPCL Vol 6, no 1. Mediterranean Imaginaries

This special issue inquires: How can a reconceptualization of the Mediterranean from a sea-based perspective be generative of new theoretical and methodological approaches? What creative methods and tools could be useful for understanding, rethinking and reimagining the Mediterranean Sea, its islands, and its surrounding coasts in light of the increasing challenges of climate change, energy transition, supply chains, migration and mobility?

The aim of this special issue is therefore to reexamine the Mediterranean from the seaside, focusing on diverse methodologies (such as archival, mapping/counter-mapping, visual tools, storytelling) while also inviting reflections on design proposals for new porous development and adaptive strategies.

CPCL accepts full papers, written in English, 6,000 words maximum, including footnotes and bibliography. Manuscripts should be submitted online at

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Vacancy: Postdoc Bauhaus of the Seas

Bauhaus of the seas is looking for a motivated and outstanding Postdoc researcher interested in sustainable development at the edge of sea and land with a focus on data collection, assessment and knowledge of GIS and web platform development.

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Publication: Aesthetics of the Anthropocene, Part 1

Check out the new CPCL publication Aesthetics of the Anthropocene, Part 1 Vol. 5 No. 1
Edited by Pierpaolo Ascari and Andrea Borsari

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Conference: 2023 AAG Annual Meeting

Thursday 23 March 2023 - 08:30
Monday 27 March 2023 - 18:00

Join AAG for more than 4,500 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, experts, and researchers. Attendees including geographers, GIS specialists, environmental scientists, and other disciplinary experts will share and discuss the latest in research and applications in geography, sustainability, and GIScience. With thousands of different papers and presentations scheduled both in-person and virtually throughout the conference, and with special keynote events held live and livestreamed, you’ll find a broad range of offerings that reflect your specific interests within geography.

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Book: La résilience des villes portuaires européennes (Tome 1)

Faced with the vital need to control flows or resources, to find a place for itself in exchanges, the port fits into a legal and technical environment dictated by exogenous factors, geostrategic issues, state policies and pressure from the users. But what exactly are the modalities of the “resilient rebound” which must ensure a return to normal after a crisis and what is the time required for this? Several examples are studied from the 16th century to today, from Genoa to Bilbao, from Le Havre to the ports of Andalusia: their temporalities, the conditions of their elaboration, the modes of action they require, but also the whole representations relating to the relationship to change and the imaginations on which they feed.

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Water Works: Socio-Environmental Sediment Management of Port City Waterways
A Special Issue of WIREs Water

This special issue provides a state-of-the-science perspective on sustainable management of port waterways, from a socio-environmental perspective. Authors are invited to submit review papers and case studies spanning from a broad latitudinal range of settings – including local, applied, theoretical and global perspectives. Prospective authors are encouraged to contact a guest editor prior to manuscript submission. 

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Shipping Canals in Transition: Rethinking Spatial, Economic, and Environmental Dimensions From Sea to Hinterland
A Special Issue of Urban Planning

Shipping canals have been at the heart of economic and spatial restructuring for many centuries; they are hubs for political claims, economic development, ecological rethinking of urban deltas, port city territories and the water-land intersection. Shipping canals are an excellent object for the study of extended urbanization and current reflections on infrastructure as socio-culture objects. The New Waterway in the Netherlands, created in the 19th century, served as a catalyst for a fundamental transition: it led to the explosive growth of the port and city of Rotterdam and was accompanied by a structural change in the river drainage system and of the nature in and around the estuary, including the development of the industrial port complex Botlek-Europoort-Maasvlakte in the mid-20th century. 

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International Symposium 150 years New Waterway

On the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the New Waterway (Nieuwe Waterweg), the LDE PortCityFutures Center explores the past, present and future of this channel that links Rotterdam to the North Sea. It explores questions of shipping, dredging, and planning in the context of the Dutch delta and links it to ongoing debates on the environmental, spatial, and societal conditions of shipping channels internationally. 

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History & Cross Domain: Designing Public Spaces for Maritime Mindsets

Check out the next theme, designing port cities,  in the link below!

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History & Cross Domain: Designing Public Spaces for Maritime Mindsets

Check out the next theme, (Re)imagining port cities,  in the link below!

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19th IPHS Conference

 The 19th biennial International Planning History Society (IPHS) conference will take place 5–6 July 2022 online. The conference program will consist of diverse events, which include a keynote lecture, research panels of presentations, and book talks.

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Master History & Cross Domain: Designing Public Spaces for Maritime Mindsets

This week we will start our new LDE-MSc elective course in Delft Designing Public Spaces for Maritime Mindsets. This course will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays with every week a new theme. Check out the first theme, Understanding Port Cities, in the attached flyers! 

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Minor (Re)Imagining Port Cities: Understanding Space, Society and Culture

Port cities are where people, cargo, and ideas venture into the world, where economic development and liveability may clash or go hand in hand. This is the background against which the new LDE minor PortCityFutures offers third year bachelor students of all backgrounds an introduction in observing, design and multi-disciplinary collaboration.

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Call for papers

The international conference of UvA Amsterdam Law and the Infrastructure of Global Commerce will explore the entanglements between law and different infrastructures that underlie global commerce and value chains.
Deadline: April 30, 2022

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Carola Hein appointed in Leiden and Rotterdam

Professor of History of Architecture and Urban Planning Carola Hein has been affiliated with the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology of Leiden University since January 2022. On the surface this may seem a strange combination, but for Hein it makes sense: 'Without an understanding of the past and present, we are not able to design future scenarios.'



February 04 2022
10:00 - 16:30 EST

"SEA MACHINES" is a one-day symposium that interrogates marine technology for the history and theory of architecture. From canoes and cargo ships to submarines and offshore drilling rigs, maritime vessels show how design has been employed to imagine, manoeuver, conquer, and exploit the environments and ecosystems of the sea.


Workshop: Water, Ports, and Culture in Cities and Landscapes at the Lorentz Center

Monday 10 January 2022 - 09:00
Friday 14 January 2022 - 17:00

The goal is to better understand the paradigms and interconnected spatial and social conditions at the intersection of water and land with a focus on port cities. We aim to provide new methodological directions and tools that can serve as a knowledge-sharing platform. If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.


CPCL ISSUE: Port City Cultures, Values, Or Maritime Mindsets, Part 2: Studying And Shaping Cultures In Port City Territories

Edited by Carola Hein, Sabine Luning, Paul van de LaarBaciu, Baptist, Buslacchi, Chouairi, Colclough, Cuevas Valenzuela, Dai, Gan, Harteveld, Hein, Luning, Mulder, Seoighe, Sennema, Sivo, Usai, van den Brink, van de Laar, van Mil, Vinai

vol.4, n.2 2021
ISSN 2612-0496


CPCL ISSUE: Port City Cultures, Values, or Maritime Mindsets, Part 1: How to Define and Assess what Makes Port Cities Special

Edited by Carola Hein, Sabine Luning, Paul van de Laar

vol.4, n.1 2021
ISSN 2612-0496


Eerste boek van de Rotterdamse Havenschilder Sasja Hagens
Een retrospectief van 25 jaar havenkunst

Deze week verschijnt PART OF ROTTERDAM, een retrospectief over het werk van de Rotterdamse havenschilder Sasja Hagens. Haar oeuvre is een ode aan de stad en haven van Rotterdam en levert een kleurrijk boek op waarin de Maas aan de basis staat van bijna elk werk. Waarin schepen komen en gaan, tankers worden schoongespoten, terwijl in het centrum bouwplaatsen transformeren tot statige lanen. Met het boek geeft Hagens inzicht in haar perspectief, proces en werkwijze


Unesco Chair Water, Ports and Historic Cities for professor Carola Hein

Carola Hein, Professor of History of Architecture and Urban Planning at TU Delft, has been shining a light on this fascinating area of port city research for many years. This month, in her capacity as initiator of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Port City Futures programme, Hein was awarded the Unesco Chair in Water, Ports and Historic Cities.


EVENT: (Re)tooling the Port City Territory: People, planning and participation

Throughout history, port cities have shaped the economic, social, cultural and political map of people and civilisations. Driven by the forces of growing international competition, this particular class of the city and their ports are now undergoing profound changes that are transforming the lives and work of their inhabitants. RETE and PCF have organised a three-day event to discuss new spatial, socio-cultural and political tools that enable shared learning, co-creation and pertinent communication to stimulate strategic thinking and forge realistic dialogue between multi-scalar stakeholders for the port city territory. 

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Webinar: Rethinking the Boundaries Between Port City and Territory

This webinar analyzed the main findings of the issue "Planning for Porosity: Exploring Port City Development through the Lens of Boundaries and Flows", published in the journal Urban Planning: Speakers: Carola Hein (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) Hernán Cuevas (Austral University of Chile, Chile) Amanda Brandellero (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Peter Ache (Radboud University, The Netherlands) Discussant: José Sánchez (AIVP, France)

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FILM Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development 

This video is part of Port City Futures' MOOC Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development. Water has served and sustained societies throughout history. Understanding the complex and diverse water systems of the past is key to devising sustainable development for the future with regard to socioeconomic structures, policies, and cultures. Today, past systems form the framework for preservation and reuse as well as for new proposals. In this course, you will learn how to identify the spatial, social and cultural aspects of water heritage in your environment. You will investigate real situations, assess specific issues and evaluate the impact of potential measures, following existing expertise on water heritage and water management traditions as a model for your own practice. 

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Essay competition

Learning from 400 years of Pilgrim Fathers’ America, what does the future of globalisation hold?
Thanksgiving is about hope; after the presidential election in November 2020, President Joe Biden started seeking renewed trans-Atlantic cooperation. At the inauguration of President Biden on 20 January 2021, the poet Amanda Gorman conveyed this in her beautiful poem ‘The Hill We Climb’. This is the engaging metaphor for our essays. What do we see at the top of ‘The Hill’ of our world? Amanda Gorman showed that, even in difficult times, there are new vistas, or as she said in the final sentence of her poem: “there is always light.” 

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Following Port of Rotterdam’s expansion through art in the port-city of Rotterdam

Monday 1 November 2021 - 14:00-17:00
It is often said of artists that their view of the world can be refreshing and open new windows for the general public. The starting point of modern art – what we now know as Impressionism – coincides with the 2nd industrial revolution and the maritime revolution of steamships, scaling up and the first large-scale expansion of canals, locks and ports. How did the painters of that time view the world, which was changing around them at the speed of light? In the setting of the exposition Maritime Masterpieces at the Maritime Museum Rotterdam, we invite artists and academia to speak about the port-city of Rotterdam and how they look beyond the horizon of the harbor. You can sign up via

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Conference 'Valuing Water: an interdisciplinary dialogue on culture-based solutions for present and future water challenges'

Tuesday 5 October 2021 - 10:15-17:00
Conference 'Valuing Water: an interdisciplinary dialogue on culture-based solutions for present and future water challenges' is a one-day conference by the Valuing Water Initiative, also launching the new MOOC course 'WaterWorks: Activating heritage for sustainable development'. 
Details: Carola Hein,

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Re-Scape Colloquium: Mobilizing Water Heritage in Sustainable Development

Cultural heritage is a driver for sustainable development to tackle the issues, challenges and threats brought on by globalization (Jyoti Hosagrahar et al. 2016). Conservation of cultural heritage can help to increase the resilience and sustainability of cities. The concept of the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) provides a foundation to practically integrate heritage conservation and sustainable urban development in historical cities. It is a tool that allows for understanding complex networks including those of water.
Each city has its own geographical, historical, environmental, political and other particularities, and will need to find locally appropriate solutions. We wonder if HUL can serve as a tool to understand and sustainably develop these and other waterfront cities. We encourage participants to think about the four toolkits and the six critical steps proposed in the HUL approach for the conservation of heritage in waterfront cities.

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OverHolland 21: Water management and cultural heritage

In the Netherlands, water management and cultural heritage are inextricably linked. The latest issue of OverHolland focuses on the water system of the Randstad. That system is considered the driving force
behind the rise of Holland. From the late Middle Ages, Holland experienced spectacular economic growth. It developed into the most urbanized area of Northwest Europe. Water management is a crucial factor in the spatial development of Holland's cities. The water heritage consists of more than just objects, such as locks, bridges, polders, and mills. It is a complex system, connecting various scale levels, spatially, hydrologically and administratively. The water system is the result of the interplay between natural processes and human intervention, between landscape and technology. In OverHolland the theme is approached from different angles. The core of this issue is a series of detailed cartographic reconstructions made by the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands and the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology, showing the development of the water system and urban form over time. This knowledge can be used to make the water system future-proof.

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New Issue CPCL

The European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes (CPCL) is a biannual open-access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish innovative and original papers on cultural heritage in the built environment as a set of creative practices. The focus will be the European city, with a particular attention to its transformations within the global metropolis and its flows of people, capitals, goods and ideas. The new issue, Port City Cultures, Values, or Maritime Mindsets: How to Define and Assess what Makes Port Cities Special, is out now!

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WaterValues: a serious game for water awareness in climate adaptation

Delft University of Technology
Flooding and drought are becoming more frequent. It is important to understand which values play a role in decision-making processes, as many different parties are involved in water issues. A serious game can help formulate those values in order to contribute to a better 'water awareness' of both policymakers and residents.
Consortium partners: Six Architecten, IJsfontein, Waternet, ICOMOS

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PCCA press release

Corpus Christi, TX, USA – The Port of Corpus Christi — the nation’s largest energy export gateway — and the Port of Rotterdam — Europe’s leading industrial deepsea port — have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding that will allow the two global entities to collaboratively improve their global maritime operations. The two Ports have outlined a number of shared objectives, which include co-developing trade and commercial opportunities, fostering an exchange of information, and advancing the development and deployment of innovative technologies specifically related to navigational safety and environmental protection.

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New issue Urban Planning: Planning for Porosity

The new issue for Urban Planning, edited by Carola Hein and with articles from various PortCityFutures members is out now. All articles are available for free for those who are interested. 
Planning for Porosity: Exploring Port City Development through the Lens of Boundaries and Flows (2021, Volume 6, Issue 3)

Complete issue

Erasmus University joins €25 million project working on sustainable energy for ports

Two organisations within Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) are part of a project that has been awarded nearly € 25 million in EU funding for a project that will improve the sustainability of ports in the European Union. In total 45 organisations will be collaborating in an international alliance working on a Horizon2020 project under the Green Deal Call to boost the green and digital transition. The project, led by the Port of Rotterdam, is expected to start in September 2021 and will run for five years.

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Vacancies Erasmus UPT

Erasmus UPT sees its activities growing and is looking for reinforcements. We are looking for passionate junior and senior researchers who like to stand in between the academic environment and practice and who can help that practice to a higher level with targeted research and advice.

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AIVP Port City Talks webinar

The next webinar of the AIVP Port City Talks, will take place on Thursday 1st July 2021 from 3pm to 4pm (CEST). This time the focus lies on Human Capital Development, focusing on formation and training, with three excellent speakers from IPER, UNCTAD and Puertos del Estado, with the moderation of Maurice Jansen, AIVP expert in the topic. There will be live translation into French and Spanish. More information soon! 

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PhD defence Paolo De Martino: Land in Limbo

On 17 May, Paolo De Martino defends his PhD thesis 'Land in Limbo: Understanding path dependencies at the intersection of the port and city of Naples'. 

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Thesis internship World Port Days Rotterdam

The World Port Days in Rotterdam is one of the world’s largest maritime community engagement events. During this annual event of three days, various companies who are active in the port demonstrate their activities, either on the water, on the quay side as well as on site. In recent years, the World Port Days attract over 300,000 people to Rotterdam. The research project is to assess the online programme offerings which have been offered by other event organisations in the Netherlands and abroad. The aim of the internship project is an advice for the World Port Days programme.

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PortCityFutures has been given the opportunity to develop a MOOC: (Re)Imagining Port Cities: Understanding Space, Society and Culture. In this course we will analyze examples of port cities from a multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural perspective. You will develop the skills to identify and address the challenges port cities face now and into the future. It will launch May 2021.

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Vacancy Time Travel project

PortCityFutures offers two positions for 18 months in the Time Travel project. The first position is a 0,5 FTE offered at the HCU Hamburg for someone with an urban planning/urban history background. Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is hiring a 1,0 post-doctoral researcher for interdisciplinary research on machine learning applications for analyzing historic maps. 


Climate Adaptation Summit 2021

The international Climate Adaptation Summit 2021 will take place from the Netherlands on 25 and 26 January. The event is aimed at finding solutions that can help us adapt better to a changing climate. The Dutch UNESCO Commission is organizing a side event about the role that culture and heritage can play in this. Registration is required to attend the Climate Adaptation Summit and to gain access to the various online side events. You can register free of charge via the website of the Climate Adaptation Summit.

Register here

Master in Sustainable Planning and Design of Port Areas

The Master in Sustainable Planning and Design of Port Areas starts again! This year the teaching activities will be held mainly online, expanding the opportunities for discussion with international experts. For further information you can write to the Coordinator:
We look forward to seeing you for a new exciting learning experience!

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Book: Port Geography and Hinterland Development Dynamics Insights from Major Port-cities of the Middle East

This book illustrates and discusses the main characteristics of port-city development dynamics with a focus on the fast-growing city-states of the Middle East, which are emerging as key players in logistics and the global supply chain.
Author(s): Mina Akhavan

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Sharjah Architecture Triennial podcast

Mina Akhavan was invited to participate in a podcast, SATtalks, for Sharjah Architecture Triennial based in the Emirates. This podcasts' subject is architecture and infrastructure. 
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Article: In the hands of a few: Disaster recovery committee networks

Read the new article co-authored by Andrew Littlejohn, Timothy Fraser, Daniel P. Aldrich, and Andrew Small on disaster recovery governance in port areas. 
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Conference: Water, Megacities and Global Change

EauMega Second International Conference « Water, Megacities and Global Change »
Online Pre-Conference 7-11 December 2020
Following the postponement of the Second International Conference "Water, Megacities and Global Change" to December 2021, the Steering and Programme Committees propose to hold an online pre-conference event from 7 to 11 December 2020.

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Conference: Caumme

The Mediterranean and Middle East regions have long played an integral, if sometimes volatile, role in the urbanization of the world. The Mediterranean littoral has witnessed rapid growth of population between the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, from 281 million to 470 million inhabitants.  

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Webinar: Escenarios para las ciudades puerto durante y luego del COVID-19

Next week on monday 07 September, the Departamento de Negocios Internacionales e Integración from the Universidad Católica del Uruguay will organise a webinar on scenarios for port cities during and after COVID-19. It will be hosted by three members of our International Advisory Board: Prof. Stephen RamosFernando Puntigliano and Vicent Esteban-Chapapría. Everyone is welcome, feel free to join!

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New Portus Plus publication

Games can be of great use when teaching children, but also for explaining more complecated matters like port city facilities and functions. Carola Hein published an article in new issue the online magazine of RETE, Portus Plus, about port cultures and games.

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PortCityFutures has been given the opportunity to develop two MOOCs on Port Cities and Urban Delta and on Water and Culture. Stay tuned for more information.

Planned launch May 2021

Guest post Leiden-Delft-Erasmus magazine June 2020

Port cities are hubs of opportunities, wealth and diversity. How can these cities work on an inclusive society? We wrote a blog for the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus magazine where we explore the hyperdiversive city of Rotterdam!

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Call for papers: Urban Planning Journal

The Urban Planning Journal is open for submissions for their upcoming issue: Planning for Porosity: Exploring Port City Development through the Lens of Boundaries and Flows, which will be edited by Carola Hein.
Deadline for abstract submission: 1-15 September 2020

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Call for papers: CPCL

The European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes (CPCL) is open for submissions for their upcoming issue: Port City Cultures, Values, or Maritime Mindsets: How to define and assess what makes port cities special, which will be edited by Carola Hein, Sabine Luning and Paul van de Laar.
Deadline for paper submission: Dec 2020

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RETE webinars: port-city scenarios during and after the COVID-19

During the Corona crisis, RETE will be organizing several webinars to discuss port-city relations with the consequences of COVID-19. It has an undeniable impact on our day to day lives and leaves us with questions about what's in front of us and how to move forward. The first webinar discussed the future impact of COVID-19 and how port-cities can serve as laboratories to research the consequences of the Coronavirus. The next webinar, organised by Carola Hein, takes place on May 18th.

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Call for papers: PortusPlus

PortusPlus is an open-access journal, peer reviewed and indexed, dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of themes concerning the relationship between ports and cities and urban waterfronts. They are open for submission on their next issue on "Research Themes" ,  inviting experts, professionals, researchers and scholars.  Deadline submission paper: May 31, 2020

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Call for papers: Urban Planning

The Urban Planning open access journal is open for submissions for their upcoming issue: Planning for Porosity: Exploring Port City Development through the Lens of Boundaries and Flows, which will be edited by our PCF team member Carola Hein. Deadline abstracts: 1-15 September 2020

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PortCityFutures has started a blog

This blog is a collaboration of all PortCityFutures mebers with posts ranging from scientific articles to critical points of view and even reviews of cultural events. Every week we will launch a new blog, so follow us on Twitter if you dont want to miss out! We will notify you of new posts and other interesting port news. 

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New publication: Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage

A new Port City Futures related book is out now! The new Open Access Publication Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage (ed. Carola Hein) features several chapters on port cities.

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Roundtable discussion of Water Heritage

Last week the International LDE-Heritage conference "Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals" took place. Port City Futures participated in the roundtable discussion of Water Heritage, where the chair Carola Hein and Tino Mager raised three main questions:

1) What has water shaped space, society and culture around the globe? 
2) What geographical spaces, methodological approaches, themes and case studies ought to be added to the existing research? 
3) How can water heritage research help shape the emergence of more sustainable societies? 

Focusing on these three key issues, the participants showed their opinions on the table from multiple perspectives. The participants each have different understanding of water and water heritage, and the discussion and debates started with asking the question "what do we mean by water"?

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MSP Game: Gamification on Spatial planning and coastal management

On the 3rd of December 2019, the Department of Architecture of Naples (DiARC) will host a game for the MSP challenge, using Naples as a background with the aim to define short, medium and long term to define scenarios about port-city relations and land-water interconnections. The MSP Challenge games have been developed in light of the implementation of the European Framework Directive 1 (2014/89) on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and the opportunities it gives for Ecosystem Based Maritime Spatial Development (EBMSD).
Students and professors from IUAV will join students, researchers, professors and decision-makers in Naples to play together. The workshop will provide a first glimpse of a forthcoming film on port-city-region development entitled « Communicating Complexity » conceived by Carola Hein and Paolo De Martino from TUDelft as part of PortCityFutures with funding from NWO (KIEM) and in collaboration with several partners such as RETE, AIVP, Naples port authority and the Learning Center in Dunkirk. 

Vacancy: Call for Postdoc student

Port City Futures is looking for a Postdoc student! The Postdoc will have in-depth knowledge of port city literature and social scientific theories and methods (anthropology, cultural geography, sociology). They should be able to conceptualize and theorize port city region’s relationships, cultures, and institutions as they occur in and through space. He/she will collaborate with researchers from diverse disciplines in Leiden, Delft and Erasmus and is expected to commute to these locations.

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Open call for post master students

Spend a year in Napels working on the topic of sustainable port-city relations! Post master students can apply now for the master program Pianificazione e progettazione sostenibile delle aree Iortuali.  The course aimes to train professionals capable of integrating planning and design with knowledge coming from socio-economic and ecological-environmental fields of research. In addition, issues related to governance and regulatory framework of port areas are central aspects within the course. The educational project is based on three fundamental elements: 1. "port areas", analysed as parts of the city, and investigated according to a logic that goes beyond the sectoral approach, rather in a systemic perspective; 2. "planning and design", conceived as activities based on the creative integration of the relationship between the planning regulations and the future design. This is strongly related to financial, economic and multi-dimensional evaluation approaches; 3. "sustainability", framed as the main objective of the planning design, aimed at improving economic / management efficiency, environmental protection, quality of the relationship between nature and artifice. 

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Vacancy: Call for PhD (or PD) students

Under the auspices of the Graduate School of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, the Leiden Delft Erasmus (LDE) Research Program PortCityFutures, launches the special PhD programme PortCityFutures. Besides this, we are aiming to hire three PHD (or two PHD and one PD) to work with the faculty members involved. Together they will develop a methodology that can be repeated in other geographical areas. The group will work within the PortCityFutures context on social, spatial and human values and long-term port city region relations. The call will remain open on a rolling basis.

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Blogs & Articles

The Port City Atlas is now Available!

Mapping European Port City Territories: From Understanding to Design.

PortCityAtlas Cover        PortCityAtlas Cover Example

A multitude of port cities dots Europe’s coastline, all serving the purpose of facilitating maritime transportation. Over millennia, public and private leaders have built harbours, urban spaces and infrastructures in diverse territories to serve hinterlands, including landlocked capital cities and metropolitan areas.
As nodes on the edge of water and land, port city territories embody knowledge on maritime flows and water conditions. At a time of climate change, they can be paradigms and stewards of sustainable development.

The Port City Atlas utilizes an analytical and uniform mapping approach. This allows for greater understanding of the relations between port, city and the surrounding region. The maps and additional visual information facilitate the understanding of multiple port city regions in the context of international trade.

The Atlas was created within the LDE PortCityFutures research group and the Faculty of Architecture TU Delft. It is part of the series on the Urbanization of the Sea, and the kick-off of a sub-series on Mapping Port Cities

Carola Hein, Yvonne van Mil, Lucija Aźman-Momirski - nai010 publishers


Download the TU Delft Open Access Edition Here!

Read more at nai010 publishers


CPCL Vol 7, no 1. Mapping beyond the monodisciplinary approach: Exploring the potential of mapping in comparative research methods.

The aim of this issue is to collect original research articles that provide theoretical as well as practical insights into how we can use mapping methods to better understand and address complex spatial challenges, produce more generalisable findings and establish causal relationships between spatial, socio-cultural and environmental data.

Contributions should link and illustrate mapping approaches with case studies (e.g. port city territories, mining regions, etc.) and clarify how the methodology/approach can be used for comparative research and how it can be applied across scales, disciplines or time periods. With this call, we encourage transdisciplinary contributions involving mapping- based research methods that can contribute to a better understanding of contemporary sustainability challenges and their spatial implications.

Vol 7, no 1 timeline

-        Jun 2023. Launch of Call
-        30 Dec 2023. Deadline for paper submission
-        Jan-Mar 2024. Peer-review process
-        Apr-May 2024. Copy editing and proofreading
-        Jun 2024. Publication

CPCL accepts full papers, written in English, 6,000 words maximum, including footnotes and bibliography. Manuscripts should be submitted online at CPCL does not accept e-mail submissions.

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Port City Atlas in the LDE Magazine: Honderd havensteden in Europa samengebracht in een atlas (Dutch only)

Europese havensteden hebben veel met elkaar gemeen: het zijn economische hotspots, waar urbanisatie, globalisering, migratie, klimaatverandering zichtbaar zijn. Wat kunnen ze van elkaar leren als het gaat om duurzame ontwikkeling en stedelijke transformatie? Een inventarisatie van havensteden, hun omvang en kenmerken kan hierbij helpen.

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New Publication! Port city symbiosis: introduction to the special issue

The Introduction to the Special Issue on Port City Symbiosis by Carola Hein and Maurice Jansen in Maritime Economics and Logistics is now available! The full special issue will be published this May.

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Vacancy: Trainee landscape architecture wanted!

Are you looking for an inspiring internship within a young driven and dynamic team? Then you are the landscape architecture intern we are looking for! As of February/March 2023, the Deltametropool Association is looking for an intern for four to five days a week. Participates, among other things, in our Community of Practice Landscape as a Establishment Condition program.

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Port City Atlas

Taking a comprehensive, mapping based approach, Port City Atlas visualizes 100 port city territories located on four seas and connected through shared waters. It provides a foundation for comparative analysis beyond case study approaches that are often locked into national contexts, select languages or disciplinary approaches. Conceived as a work of reference, the book makes the case for a sea-based approach to the understanding and design of Europe.

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CPCL Vol 6, no 1. Mediterranean Imaginaries

This special issue inquires: How can a reconceptualization of the Mediterranean from a sea-based perspective be generative of new theoretical and methodological approaches? What creative methods and tools could be useful for understanding, rethinking and reimagining the Mediterranean Sea, its islands, and its surrounding coasts in light of the increasing challenges of climate change, energy transition, supply chains, migration and mobility?

The aim of this special issue is therefore to reexamine the Mediterranean from the seaside, focusing on diverse methodologies (such as archival, mapping/counter-mapping, visual tools, storytelling) while also inviting reflections on design proposals for new porous development and adaptive strategies.

CPCL accepts full papers, written in English, 6,000 words maximum, including footnotes and bibliography. Manuscripts should be submitted online at

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Vacancy: Postdoc Bauhaus of the Seas

Bauhaus of the seas is looking for a motivated and outstanding Postdoc researcher interested in sustainable development at the edge of sea and land with a focus on data collection, assessment and knowledge of GIS and web platform development.

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Publication: Aesthetics of the Anthropocene, Part 1

Check out the new CPCL publication Aesthetics of the Anthropocene, Part 1 Vol. 5 No. 1
Edited by Pierpaolo Ascari and Andrea Borsari

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Conference: 2023 AAG Annual Meeting

Thursday 23 March 2023 - 08:30
Monday 27 March 2023 - 18:00

Join AAG for more than 4,500 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, experts, and researchers. Attendees including geographers, GIS specialists, environmental scientists, and other disciplinary experts will share and discuss the latest in research and applications in geography, sustainability, and GIScience. With thousands of different papers and presentations scheduled both in-person and virtually throughout the conference, and with special keynote events held live and livestreamed, you’ll find a broad range of offerings that reflect your specific interests within geography.

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Book: La résilience des villes portuaires européennes (Tome 1)

Faced with the vital need to control flows or resources, to find a place for itself in exchanges, the port fits into a legal and technical environment dictated by exogenous factors, geostrategic issues, state policies and pressure from the users. But what exactly are the modalities of the “resilient rebound” which must ensure a return to normal after a crisis and what is the time required for this? Several examples are studied from the 16th century to today, from Genoa to Bilbao, from Le Havre to the ports of Andalusia: their temporalities, the conditions of their elaboration, the modes of action they require, but also the whole representations relating to the relationship to change and the imaginations on which they feed.

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Water Works: Socio-Environmental Sediment Management of Port City Waterways
A Special Issue of WIREs Water

This special issue provides a state-of-the-science perspective on sustainable management of port waterways, from a socio-environmental perspective. Authors are invited to submit review papers and case studies spanning from a broad latitudinal range of settings – including local, applied, theoretical and global perspectives. Prospective authors are encouraged to contact a guest editor prior to manuscript submission. 

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Shipping Canals in Transition: Rethinking Spatial, Economic, and Environmental Dimensions From Sea to Hinterland
A Special Issue of Urban Planning

Shipping canals have been at the heart of economic and spatial restructuring for many centuries; they are hubs for political claims, economic development, ecological rethinking of urban deltas, port city territories and the water-land intersection. Shipping canals are an excellent object for the study of extended urbanization and current reflections on infrastructure as socio-culture objects. The New Waterway in the Netherlands, created in the 19th century, served as a catalyst for a fundamental transition: it led to the explosive growth of the port and city of Rotterdam and was accompanied by a structural change in the river drainage system and of the nature in and around the estuary, including the development of the industrial port complex Botlek-Europoort-Maasvlakte in the mid-20th century. 

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International Symposium 150 years New Waterway

On the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the New Waterway (Nieuwe Waterweg), the LDE PortCityFutures Center explores the past, present and future of this channel that links Rotterdam to the North Sea. It explores questions of shipping, dredging, and planning in the context of the Dutch delta and links it to ongoing debates on the environmental, spatial, and societal conditions of shipping channels internationally. 

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History & Cross Domain: Designing Public Spaces for Maritime Mindsets

Check out the next theme, designing port cities,  in the link below!

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History & Cross Domain: Designing Public Spaces for Maritime Mindsets

Check out the next theme, (Re)imagining port cities,  in the link below!

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19th IPHS Conference

 The 19th biennial International Planning History Society (IPHS) conference will take place 5–6 July 2022 online. The conference program will consist of diverse events, which include a keynote lecture, research panels of presentations, and book talks.

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Master History & Cross Domain: Designing Public Spaces for Maritime Mindsets

This week we will start our new LDE-MSc elective course in Delft Designing Public Spaces for Maritime Mindsets. This course will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays with every week a new theme. Check out the first theme, Understanding Port Cities, in the attached flyers! 

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Minor (Re)Imagining Port Cities: Understanding Space, Society and Culture

Port cities are where people, cargo, and ideas venture into the world, where economic development and liveability may clash or go hand in hand. This is the background against which the new LDE minor PortCityFutures offers third year bachelor students of all backgrounds an introduction in observing, design and multi-disciplinary collaboration.

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Call for papers

The international conference of UvA Amsterdam Law and the Infrastructure of Global Commerce will explore the entanglements between law and different infrastructures that underlie global commerce and value chains.
Deadline: April 30, 2022

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Carola Hein appointed in Leiden and Rotterdam

Professor of History of Architecture and Urban Planning Carola Hein has been affiliated with the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology of Leiden University since January 2022. On the surface this may seem a strange combination, but for Hein it makes sense: 'Without an understanding of the past and present, we are not able to design future scenarios.'



February 04 2022
10:00 - 16:30 EST

"SEA MACHINES" is a one-day symposium that interrogates marine technology for the history and theory of architecture. From canoes and cargo ships to submarines and offshore drilling rigs, maritime vessels show how design has been employed to imagine, manoeuver, conquer, and exploit the environments and ecosystems of the sea.


Workshop: Water, Ports, and Culture in Cities and Landscapes at the Lorentz Center

Monday 10 January 2022 - 09:00
Friday 14 January 2022 - 17:00

The goal is to better understand the paradigms and interconnected spatial and social conditions at the intersection of water and land with a focus on port cities. We aim to provide new methodological directions and tools that can serve as a knowledge-sharing platform. If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.


CPCL ISSUE: Port City Cultures, Values, Or Maritime Mindsets, Part 2: Studying And Shaping Cultures In Port City Territories

Edited by Carola Hein, Sabine Luning, Paul van de LaarBaciu, Baptist, Buslacchi, Chouairi, Colclough, Cuevas Valenzuela, Dai, Gan, Harteveld, Hein, Luning, Mulder, Seoighe, Sennema, Sivo, Usai, van den Brink, van de Laar, van Mil, Vinai

vol.4, n.2 2021
ISSN 2612-0496


CPCL ISSUE: Port City Cultures, Values, or Maritime Mindsets, Part 1: How to Define and Assess what Makes Port Cities Special

Edited by Carola Hein, Sabine Luning, Paul van de Laar

vol.4, n.1 2021
ISSN 2612-0496


Eerste boek van de Rotterdamse Havenschilder Sasja Hagens
Een retrospectief van 25 jaar havenkunst

Deze week verschijnt PART OF ROTTERDAM, een retrospectief over het werk van de Rotterdamse havenschilder Sasja Hagens. Haar oeuvre is een ode aan de stad en haven van Rotterdam en levert een kleurrijk boek op waarin de Maas aan de basis staat van bijna elk werk. Waarin schepen komen en gaan, tankers worden schoongespoten, terwijl in het centrum bouwplaatsen transformeren tot statige lanen. Met het boek geeft Hagens inzicht in haar perspectief, proces en werkwijze


Unesco Chair Water, Ports and Historic Cities for professor Carola Hein

Carola Hein, Professor of History of Architecture and Urban Planning at TU Delft, has been shining a light on this fascinating area of port city research for many years. This month, in her capacity as initiator of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Port City Futures programme, Hein was awarded the Unesco Chair in Water, Ports and Historic Cities.


EVENT: (Re)tooling the Port City Territory: People, planning and participation

Throughout history, port cities have shaped the economic, social, cultural and political map of people and civilisations. Driven by the forces of growing international competition, this particular class of the city and their ports are now undergoing profound changes that are transforming the lives and work of their inhabitants. RETE and PCF have organised a three-day event to discuss new spatial, socio-cultural and political tools that enable shared learning, co-creation and pertinent communication to stimulate strategic thinking and forge realistic dialogue between multi-scalar stakeholders for the port city territory. 

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Webinar: Rethinking the Boundaries Between Port City and Territory

This webinar analyzed the main findings of the issue "Planning for Porosity: Exploring Port City Development through the Lens of Boundaries and Flows", published in the journal Urban Planning: Speakers: Carola Hein (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) Hernán Cuevas (Austral University of Chile, Chile) Amanda Brandellero (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Peter Ache (Radboud University, The Netherlands) Discussant: José Sánchez (AIVP, France)

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FILM Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development 

This video is part of Port City Futures' MOOC Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development. Water has served and sustained societies throughout history. Understanding the complex and diverse water systems of the past is key to devising sustainable development for the future with regard to socioeconomic structures, policies, and cultures. Today, past systems form the framework for preservation and reuse as well as for new proposals. In this course, you will learn how to identify the spatial, social and cultural aspects of water heritage in your environment. You will investigate real situations, assess specific issues and evaluate the impact of potential measures, following existing expertise on water heritage and water management traditions as a model for your own practice. 

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Essay competition

Learning from 400 years of Pilgrim Fathers’ America, what does the future of globalisation hold?
Thanksgiving is about hope; after the presidential election in November 2020, President Joe Biden started seeking renewed trans-Atlantic cooperation. At the inauguration of President Biden on 20 January 2021, the poet Amanda Gorman conveyed this in her beautiful poem ‘The Hill We Climb’. This is the engaging metaphor for our essays. What do we see at the top of ‘The Hill’ of our world? Amanda Gorman showed that, even in difficult times, there are new vistas, or as she said in the final sentence of her poem: “there is always light.” 

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Following Port of Rotterdam’s expansion through art in the port-city of Rotterdam

Monday 1 November 2021 - 14:00-17:00
It is often said of artists that their view of the world can be refreshing and open new windows for the general public. The starting point of modern art – what we now know as Impressionism – coincides with the 2nd industrial revolution and the maritime revolution of steamships, scaling up and the first large-scale expansion of canals, locks and ports. How did the painters of that time view the world, which was changing around them at the speed of light? In the setting of the exposition Maritime Masterpieces at the Maritime Museum Rotterdam, we invite artists and academia to speak about the port-city of Rotterdam and how they look beyond the horizon of the harbor. You can sign up via

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Conference 'Valuing Water: an interdisciplinary dialogue on culture-based solutions for present and future water challenges'

Tuesday 5 October 2021 - 10:15-17:00
Conference 'Valuing Water: an interdisciplinary dialogue on culture-based solutions for present and future water challenges' is a one-day conference by the Valuing Water Initiative, also launching the new MOOC course 'WaterWorks: Activating heritage for sustainable development'. 
Details: Carola Hein,

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Re-Scape Colloquium: Mobilizing Water Heritage in Sustainable Development

Cultural heritage is a driver for sustainable development to tackle the issues, challenges and threats brought on by globalization (Jyoti Hosagrahar et al. 2016). Conservation of cultural heritage can help to increase the resilience and sustainability of cities. The concept of the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) provides a foundation to practically integrate heritage conservation and sustainable urban development in historical cities. It is a tool that allows for understanding complex networks including those of water.
Each city has its own geographical, historical, environmental, political and other particularities, and will need to find locally appropriate solutions. We wonder if HUL can serve as a tool to understand and sustainably develop these and other waterfront cities. We encourage participants to think about the four toolkits and the six critical steps proposed in the HUL approach for the conservation of heritage in waterfront cities.

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OverHolland 21: Water management and cultural heritage

In the Netherlands, water management and cultural heritage are inextricably linked. The latest issue of OverHolland focuses on the water system of the Randstad. That system is considered the driving force
behind the rise of Holland. From the late Middle Ages, Holland experienced spectacular economic growth. It developed into the most urbanized area of Northwest Europe. Water management is a crucial factor in the spatial development of Holland's cities. The water heritage consists of more than just objects, such as locks, bridges, polders, and mills. It is a complex system, connecting various scale levels, spatially, hydrologically and administratively. The water system is the result of the interplay between natural processes and human intervention, between landscape and technology. In OverHolland the theme is approached from different angles. The core of this issue is a series of detailed cartographic reconstructions made by the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands and the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology, showing the development of the water system and urban form over time. This knowledge can be used to make the water system future-proof.

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New Issue CPCL

The European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes (CPCL) is a biannual open-access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish innovative and original papers on cultural heritage in the built environment as a set of creative practices. The focus will be the European city, with a particular attention to its transformations within the global metropolis and its flows of people, capitals, goods and ideas. The new issue, Port City Cultures, Values, or Maritime Mindsets: How to Define and Assess what Makes Port Cities Special, is out now!

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WaterValues: a serious game for water awareness in climate adaptation

Delft University of Technology
Flooding and drought are becoming more frequent. It is important to understand which values play a role in decision-making processes, as many different parties are involved in water issues. A serious game can help formulate those values in order to contribute to a better 'water awareness' of both policymakers and residents.
Consortium partners: Six Architecten, IJsfontein, Waternet, ICOMOS

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PCCA press release

Corpus Christi, TX, USA – The Port of Corpus Christi — the nation’s largest energy export gateway — and the Port of Rotterdam — Europe’s leading industrial deepsea port — have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding that will allow the two global entities to collaboratively improve their global maritime operations. The two Ports have outlined a number of shared objectives, which include co-developing trade and commercial opportunities, fostering an exchange of information, and advancing the development and deployment of innovative technologies specifically related to navigational safety and environmental protection.

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New issue Urban Planning: Planning for Porosity

The new issue for Urban Planning, edited by Carola Hein and with articles from various PortCityFutures members is out now. All articles are available for free for those who are interested. 
Planning for Porosity: Exploring Port City Development through the Lens of Boundaries and Flows (2021, Volume 6, Issue 3)

Complete issue

Erasmus University joins €25 million project working on sustainable energy for ports

Two organisations within Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) are part of a project that has been awarded nearly € 25 million in EU funding for a project that will improve the sustainability of ports in the European Union. In total 45 organisations will be collaborating in an international alliance working on a Horizon2020 project under the Green Deal Call to boost the green and digital transition. The project, led by the Port of Rotterdam, is expected to start in September 2021 and will run for five years.

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Vacancies Erasmus UPT

Erasmus UPT sees its activities growing and is looking for reinforcements. We are looking for passionate junior and senior researchers who like to stand in between the academic environment and practice and who can help that practice to a higher level with targeted research and advice.

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AIVP Port City Talks webinar

The next webinar of the AIVP Port City Talks, will take place on Thursday 1st July 2021 from 3pm to 4pm (CEST). This time the focus lies on Human Capital Development, focusing on formation and training, with three excellent speakers from IPER, UNCTAD and Puertos del Estado, with the moderation of Maurice Jansen, AIVP expert in the topic. There will be live translation into French and Spanish. More information soon! 

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PhD defence Paolo De Martino: Land in Limbo

On 17 May, Paolo De Martino defends his PhD thesis 'Land in Limbo: Understanding path dependencies at the intersection of the port and city of Naples'. 

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Thesis internship World Port Days Rotterdam

The World Port Days in Rotterdam is one of the world’s largest maritime community engagement events. During this annual event of three days, various companies who are active in the port demonstrate their activities, either on the water, on the quay side as well as on site. In recent years, the World Port Days attract over 300,000 people to Rotterdam. The research project is to assess the online programme offerings which have been offered by other event organisations in the Netherlands and abroad. The aim of the internship project is an advice for the World Port Days programme.

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PortCityFutures has been given the opportunity to develop a MOOC: (Re)Imagining Port Cities: Understanding Space, Society and Culture. In this course we will analyze examples of port cities from a multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural perspective. You will develop the skills to identify and address the challenges port cities face now and into the future. It will launch May 2021.

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Vacancy Time Travel project

PortCityFutures offers two positions for 18 months in the Time Travel project. The first position is a 0,5 FTE offered at the HCU Hamburg for someone with an urban planning/urban history background. Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is hiring a 1,0 post-doctoral researcher for interdisciplinary research on machine learning applications for analyzing historic maps. 


Climate Adaptation Summit 2021

The international Climate Adaptation Summit 2021 will take place from the Netherlands on 25 and 26 January. The event is aimed at finding solutions that can help us adapt better to a changing climate. The Dutch UNESCO Commission is organizing a side event about the role that culture and heritage can play in this. Registration is required to attend the Climate Adaptation Summit and to gain access to the various online side events. You can register free of charge via the website of the Climate Adaptation Summit.

Register here

Master in Sustainable Planning and Design of Port Areas

The Master in Sustainable Planning and Design of Port Areas starts again! This year the teaching activities will be held mainly online, expanding the opportunities for discussion with international experts. For further information you can write to the Coordinator:
We look forward to seeing you for a new exciting learning experience!

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Book: Port Geography and Hinterland Development Dynamics Insights from Major Port-cities of the Middle East

This book illustrates and discusses the main characteristics of port-city development dynamics with a focus on the fast-growing city-states of the Middle East, which are emerging as key players in logistics and the global supply chain.
Author(s): Mina Akhavan

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Sharjah Architecture Triennial podcast

Mina Akhavan was invited to participate in a podcast, SATtalks, for Sharjah Architecture Triennial based in the Emirates. This podcasts' subject is architecture and infrastructure. 
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Article: In the hands of a few: Disaster recovery committee networks

Read the new article co-authored by Andrew Littlejohn, Timothy Fraser, Daniel P. Aldrich, and Andrew Small on disaster recovery governance in port areas. 
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Conference: Water, Megacities and Global Change

EauMega Second International Conference « Water, Megacities and Global Change »
Online Pre-Conference 7-11 December 2020
Following the postponement of the Second International Conference "Water, Megacities and Global Change" to December 2021, the Steering and Programme Committees propose to hold an online pre-conference event from 7 to 11 December 2020.

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Conference: Caumme

The Mediterranean and Middle East regions have long played an integral, if sometimes volatile, role in the urbanization of the world. The Mediterranean littoral has witnessed rapid growth of population between the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, from 281 million to 470 million inhabitants.  

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Webinar: Escenarios para las ciudades puerto durante y luego del COVID-19

Next week on monday 07 September, the Departamento de Negocios Internacionales e Integración from the Universidad Católica del Uruguay will organise a webinar on scenarios for port cities during and after COVID-19. It will be hosted by three members of our International Advisory Board: Prof. Stephen RamosFernando Puntigliano and Vicent Esteban-Chapapría. Everyone is welcome, feel free to join!

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New Portus Plus publication

Games can be of great use when teaching children, but also for explaining more complecated matters like port city facilities and functions. Carola Hein published an article in new issue the online magazine of RETE, Portus Plus, about port cultures and games.

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PortCityFutures has been given the opportunity to develop two MOOCs on Port Cities and Urban Delta and on Water and Culture. Stay tuned for more information.

Planned launch May 2021

Guest post Leiden-Delft-Erasmus magazine June 2020

Port cities are hubs of opportunities, wealth and diversity. How can these cities work on an inclusive society? We wrote a blog for the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus magazine where we explore the hyperdiversive city of Rotterdam!

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Call for papers: Urban Planning Journal

The Urban Planning Journal is open for submissions for their upcoming issue: Planning for Porosity: Exploring Port City Development through the Lens of Boundaries and Flows, which will be edited by Carola Hein.
Deadline for abstract submission: 1-15 September 2020

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Call for papers: CPCL

The European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes (CPCL) is open for submissions for their upcoming issue: Port City Cultures, Values, or Maritime Mindsets: How to define and assess what makes port cities special, which will be edited by Carola Hein, Sabine Luning and Paul van de Laar.
Deadline for paper submission: Dec 2020

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RETE webinars: port-city scenarios during and after the COVID-19

During the Corona crisis, RETE will be organizing several webinars to discuss port-city relations with the consequences of COVID-19. It has an undeniable impact on our day to day lives and leaves us with questions about what's in front of us and how to move forward. The first webinar discussed the future impact of COVID-19 and how port-cities can serve as laboratories to research the consequences of the Coronavirus. The next webinar, organised by Carola Hein, takes place on May 18th.

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Call for papers: PortusPlus

PortusPlus is an open-access journal, peer reviewed and indexed, dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of themes concerning the relationship between ports and cities and urban waterfronts. They are open for submission on their next issue on "Research Themes" ,  inviting experts, professionals, researchers and scholars.  Deadline submission paper: May 31, 2020

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Call for papers: Urban Planning

The Urban Planning open access journal is open for submissions for their upcoming issue: Planning for Porosity: Exploring Port City Development through the Lens of Boundaries and Flows, which will be edited by our PCF team member Carola Hein. Deadline abstracts: 1-15 September 2020

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PortCityFutures has started a blog

This blog is a collaboration of all PortCityFutures mebers with posts ranging from scientific articles to critical points of view and even reviews of cultural events. Every week we will launch a new blog, so follow us on Twitter if you dont want to miss out! We will notify you of new posts and other interesting port news. 

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New publication: Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage

A new Port City Futures related book is out now! The new Open Access Publication Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage (ed. Carola Hein) features several chapters on port cities.

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Roundtable discussion of Water Heritage

Last week the International LDE-Heritage conference "Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals" took place. Port City Futures participated in the roundtable discussion of Water Heritage, where the chair Carola Hein and Tino Mager raised three main questions:

1) What has water shaped space, society and culture around the globe? 
2) What geographical spaces, methodological approaches, themes and case studies ought to be added to the existing research? 
3) How can water heritage research help shape the emergence of more sustainable societies? 

Focusing on these three key issues, the participants showed their opinions on the table from multiple perspectives. The participants each have different understanding of water and water heritage, and the discussion and debates started with asking the question "what do we mean by water"?

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MSP Game: Gamification on Spatial planning and coastal management

On the 3rd of December 2019, the Department of Architecture of Naples (DiARC) will host a game for the MSP challenge, using Naples as a background with the aim to define short, medium and long term to define scenarios about port-city relations and land-water interconnections. The MSP Challenge games have been developed in light of the implementation of the European Framework Directive 1 (2014/89) on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and the opportunities it gives for Ecosystem Based Maritime Spatial Development (EBMSD).
Students and professors from IUAV will join students, researchers, professors and decision-makers in Naples to play together. The workshop will provide a first glimpse of a forthcoming film on port-city-region development entitled « Communicating Complexity » conceived by Carola Hein and Paolo De Martino from TUDelft as part of PortCityFutures with funding from NWO (KIEM) and in collaboration with several partners such as RETE, AIVP, Naples port authority and the Learning Center in Dunkirk. 

Vacancy: Call for Postdoc student

Port City Futures is looking for a Postdoc student! The Postdoc will have in-depth knowledge of port city literature and social scientific theories and methods (anthropology, cultural geography, sociology). They should be able to conceptualize and theorize port city region’s relationships, cultures, and institutions as they occur in and through space. He/she will collaborate with researchers from diverse disciplines in Leiden, Delft and Erasmus and is expected to commute to these locations.

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Open call for post master students

Spend a year in Napels working on the topic of sustainable port-city relations! Post master students can apply now for the master program Pianificazione e progettazione sostenibile delle aree Iortuali.  The course aimes to train professionals capable of integrating planning and design with knowledge coming from socio-economic and ecological-environmental fields of research. In addition, issues related to governance and regulatory framework of port areas are central aspects within the course. The educational project is based on three fundamental elements: 1. "port areas", analysed as parts of the city, and investigated according to a logic that goes beyond the sectoral approach, rather in a systemic perspective; 2. "planning and design", conceived as activities based on the creative integration of the relationship between the planning regulations and the future design. This is strongly related to financial, economic and multi-dimensional evaluation approaches; 3. "sustainability", framed as the main objective of the planning design, aimed at improving economic / management efficiency, environmental protection, quality of the relationship between nature and artifice. 

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Vacancy: Call for PhD (or PD) students

Under the auspices of the Graduate School of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, the Leiden Delft Erasmus (LDE) Research Program PortCityFutures, launches the special PhD programme PortCityFutures. Besides this, we are aiming to hire three PHD (or two PHD and one PD) to work with the faculty members involved. Together they will develop a methodology that can be repeated in other geographical areas. The group will work within the PortCityFutures context on social, spatial and human values and long-term port city region relations. The call will remain open on a rolling basis.

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