Port City Atlas - Mapping European Port City Territories: From Understanding to Design
Yvonne van Mil (ed)
Lucija Ažman Momirski (ed)
Nai010 Publishers (Order Hardcopy) TUDelft OPEN Books (Open Access)
Shipping Canals in Transition: Rethinking Spatial, Economic, and Environmental Dimensions From Sea to Hinterland - Special Issue in the Open Access Journal of Urban Planning.
Guest Editors: Carola Hein (Delft University of Technology), Sabine Luning (Leiden University), Han Meyer (Delft University of Technology), Stephen J. Ramos (University of Georgia), and Paul van de Laar (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Volume 8, No 03, September 2023
Special Issue: Port-City Symbiosis in Maritime Economics and Logistics
Guest Editors Carola Hein and Maurice Jansen
Volume 25, Issue 2, June 2023
Book: Coastal Flood Risk Reduction: The Netherlands and the U.S. Upper Texas Coast
Edited by Samuel Brody, Yoonjeong Lee, Baukje Kothuis.
Chapter 15: Dreaming about Houston and Rotterdam beyond oil and ship channels, Han Meyer
CPCL ISSUE: Port City Cultures, Values, Or Maritime Mindsets, Part 2: Studying And Shaping Cultures In Port City Territories
Edited by Carola Hein, Sabine Luning, Paul van de LaarBaciu, Baptist, Buslacchi, Chouairi, Colclough, Cuevas Valenzuela, Dai, Gan, Harteveld, Hein, Luning, Mulder, Seoighe, Sennema, Sivo, Usai, van den Brink, van de Laar, van Mil, Vinai
vol.4, n.2 2021
ISSN 2612-0496
CPCL ISSUE: Port City Cultures, Values, or Maritime Mindsets, Part 1: How to Define and Assess what Makes Port Cities Special
Edited by Carola Hein, Sabine Luning, Paul van de Laar
vol.4, n.1 2021
ISSN 2612-0496
Port Geography and Hinterland Development Dynamics Insights from Major Port-cities of the Middle East
This book illustrates and discusses the main characteristics of port-city development dynamics with a focus on the fast-growing city-states of the Middle East, which are emerging as key players in logistics and the global supply chain.
Author(s): Mina Akhavan
The waterwheel: a socio-spatial method for understanding and displaying holistic water systems
A contribution to Second International Conference Water, Megacities and Global Change
Author(s): Carola Hein, Yvonne van Mil and Lucija Ažman Momirski
Waterfronts in Global Perspective
A contribution to the Journal of Urban History
Author(s): Paul Th. van de Laar
Resilience and Path Dependence: A Comparative Study of the Port Cities of London, Hamburg, and Philadelphia
A contribution to the Journal of Urban History
Author(s): Carola Hein and Dirk Schubert
Resilience, Disaster, and Rebuilding in Modern Port Cities
A contribution to the Journal of Urban History
Author(s): Carola Hein and Dirk Schubert
Mapping as Gap-Finder: Geddes, Tyrwhitt, and the Comparative Spatial Analysis of Port City Regions
Part of the issue “Territories in Time: Mapping Palimpsest Horizons”
Author(s): Carola Hein and Yvonne van Mil
Port cityscapes: conference and research contributions on port cities
A contribution to the Planning Perspectives journal.
Author(s): Carola Hein
The Separation of Ports from Cities: The Case of Rotterdam
A contribution to the European Ports in Transition series
Author(s): Carola Hein, Paul van de Laar
Special Issue: Governance in Port City Regions
PORTUSplus - Special Issue: Governance in Port City Regions
PCF Author(s): Carola Hein, Penglin Zhu, Lucija Azman Momirski, Stephan Hauser
Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage
An Open Access Publication Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage (ed. Carola Hein) which features several chapters on port cities.
Editor: Carola Hein