In the run-up to the NY Water Week, we will develop shared questions to ask of the water bodies and organize waterwalks (for rivers like Schuylkill, Hudson, Assin Manso, Nile, Maas, Rhine, Sabarmati, Brahmaputra, Schelde, Saale, or Elbe River), creating a shared documentation (film, photos, stories) to be presented and discussed during the UN 2023 Water Conference. Through three events during the NY Water Week the group will first reflect upon current and future challenges for water bodies and gather a variety of methodologies applied and created by the partners (19th March); then formalize the outputs of the discussion into programs for the Water Action Agenda, adding the insights and approaches of artists, activists, and indigenous representatives (20th March); and finally discuss long term action plans and the commitments for the Water Action Agenda with policy makers and international organizations (23rd March). The organizers and all interested partners will converge again in May 2023 to define a longer-term action plan and in March 2024 for the International Day of Action for Rivers to evaluate the first results and insights.
Program and Partners
List of Partners
- Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz, Germany;
- SABESP Brazil;
- UNESCO Chair Water Ports and Historic Cities;
- UNESCO Chair “Fleuves et Patrimoine” (River Culture);
- Initiative for the Future of Great Rivers IFGR;
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE;
- Drinkable Rivers;
- Global Urban History Project GUHP;
- AgroParistech SUEZ Chair Water for All;
- Global Network of Water Museums WAMU-NET;
- International Water Management Institute;
- International Union for Conservation of Nature;
- Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization CSU;
- International Network of Liberal Women INLW;
- Association Internationale Villes et Ports (AIVP)
- The Alliance for Watershed Education of the Delaware River;
- Scientific Information Center of Interstate Сommission for Water Coordination in Сentral Asia;
- Baldi Middle School – The School District of Philadelphia;
- Global Philadelphia Association;
- IHE Delft Institute for Water Education;
- Fordham University;
- Bernard and Anne Spitzer School at the City College of New York | CUNY;
- The Philadelphia Water Department;
- Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center;
- Drexel University;
- Deltametropolis Association;
- Delft University of Technology,
- Leiden University;
- Het Nieuwe Instituut;
- The New School;
- City of Rotterdam;
- WaterFrames;
- Womenvai;
- World Federation of Engineers Organisation WFEO;
- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology;
- Agrisolve Ghana Limited;
- University of Strasbourg;
- University of Tours;
- EGTC Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor;
- International Federation for Housing and Planning;
- City Halle, Saale;
- ISOLA Indian Society of Landscape Architects;
- Wereldwaternet;
- InfoRelais;
- Riverhood;
- River Commons;
- Goethe Institut Rotterdam;
The network of partner organizations is currently developing.