Artemis Rovoli Department of Architecture, Delft University of Technology As a born and raised Athenian, I strive to find the best swimming spots in the city…
Charalampos Spanos Virtual Environments Lab, The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus The port as a driving force for urban development and economic growth…
Martin Valinger Sluga and Lucija Ažman Momirski Ports and port cities in proximity represent particularly interesting case studies in planning theory and…
Maurice Harteveld, Thomas van den Brink, and Foteini Tsigoni The Dutch National Museum of Antiquities (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden) in Leiden closed the exhibition…
John Hanna & Martin Valinger Sluga What do we learn about port cities when the Mediterranean Sea is the point of reference? The Agora Webinar Talks about…
Didem Yerli Cosmopolitanism derives from the ancient Greek words for citizen of the world. The concept gained its modern sense during the socio-economical…
Pietro Spirito, former President of the Port Authority of Mar Tirreno Centrale The function of ports and port cities has radically changed in the late twentieth…
Barbara Bonciani - Councilor for port and port-city integration at the Municipality of Livorno; external Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Pisa…
Roberto Rocco, Carola Hein The Mediterranean has long been at the heart of urban and rural development in all of its bordering countries. Sea-based trade and…