Eliane Schmid C2DH, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg A pledge for mutual understanding and fraternity On July 10, 1958, Max Brauer, mayor of Hamburg, and…
Martin Valinger Sluga and Lucija Ažman Momirski Ports and port cities in proximity represent particularly interesting case studies in planning theory and…
Martin Jan Månsson Martin Jan Månsson is an urban planner and map maker with a special interest in the global interconnectedness of places. His work involves…
Noemi Frascella The literature on port cities is full of enticing examples of how these places have faced, throughout history, a number of highs and lows in the…
Bryan Castillo Dávila In the free online course (Re)Imagining Port Cities : Understanding Space, Society and Culture , learners make a portfolio addressing the…
Xueping Gu In the free online course Water Works: Activating Heritage for Sustainable Development , learners make a portfolio addressing the spaces, transitions…
Christina Reimann Port cities traditionally appear to us as male spaces. Both scientific research and popular culture convey a picture of port cities marked by…
Joris Ammerlaan Within PortCityFutures, we work under the assumption that port cities worldwide share distinguishing features and challenges. Two years ago, for…
Afra Knaap, Augusta Fiseryte, Fons van de Ven, Niké te Brinke, Paula von Zeska de Toledo, Raf van Oosterhout, Sue Vern Lai and Winnie van de Sande The Urban…
Maurice Jansen and Hannah Mosmans The work of the seafarer is a forgotten and increasingly misunderstood profession. There have been socio-technological changes…