Writing Port Cities

Author(s): Carola Hein
Publication date: June 21, 2016
Title: Writing Port Cities


Ports and their cities are physical constructions, but we also build them with words and images, whether carefully planned marketing and branding or independent commentary. Skilled media professionals promote ports, waterfront redevelopments and cities, creating a virtual narrative about port and city. They aim to influence both potential investors with detailed statistics as well as the general public with photo tools and webcams for interested citizens or schoolchildren. Independent commentary nourishes public fascination with ports and their cities: fictional literature and films feature them and citizens use the web to document their experiences. Together these publications create a parallel image of port and city, one that is more and more powerful as the internet makes specialized and personal information globally accessible. Common narratives and port cultures will gain importance as ports and cities realize the need for closer collaboration.

Writing-Port-Cities-_-PORTUS-–-Port-City-Relat.pdf (2.94 MB)