This episode of FRICTIONS explores a case of “maritime disentanglement” and its consequences on sea rising perception in the coastal area between the port city…
John Hanna Natural and man-made disasters usually come with a very high cost of lost lives, physical assets and heritage. At the same time, historically…
Registration to participate in week 1. 3-1.10 in upcoming academic semester is open for another week Registration for the course in semester 1 of 2021-22 is…
Harry den Hartog Since the beginning of the 21st century, Shanghai has started to relocate its ports far outside the urban core to accommodate the expected…
PortCityFutures and ICOMOS NL collaborate with several partners, both in and outside the Netherlands, to address the importance of integrating culture and…
Ugo Poletti (Editor-in-Chief of The Odessa Journal ) The sea port of Odessa is one of the youngest among European ports. Odessa was founded in 1794 with the…
Beatrice Moretti Over the last decades, research in the field of port cities has seen a progressive divergence in its literature of reference. This change, a…
This episode of FRICTIONS delves into the conflict and uncertain futures that characterize the relationship between the city, the port and the cruise industry…
Saskia Tideman The stories we tell about past events are unavoidably biased. Political or ideological agendas drive the selection process determining which…