de zeemeeuw banner

Water Discovery Lab @ Zeemeeuw

The Water Discovery Lab was first exhibited aboard De Zeemeuw, a “coaster” vessel currently moored in the Leuvehaven at the maritime museum of Rotterdam. The exhibition invited visitors to explore their relationship with water by examining it through various lenses. In its layout and activation, the exhibition was meant to engage kids, tourists, seniors, and professionals to learn about water interactively, and to build on existing narratives with personal stories.

Learnings from Dutch water systems were shared in Rotterdam, with examples ranging from flood management tools by water boards (Waterschappen) to river freight transport facilitated by the Rijkswaterstaat. Despite their technological advancements, these human interventions leave a lasting impact on the water system. This is clear when visiting the Zalmhaven in Rotterdam, which used to house a bustling salmon trade before sluices blocked the migration pathways. The stories of Rotterdam and the Rhine showcase the complexities inherent to value deliberation in water systems.

Zeemeeuw pop up
Illustration by Lotte Prins for Maritime Museum


Exhibition Panels

Dutch Panels

Dutch Panel

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English Version (Text Only)


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Water Discovery Lab x Maritime Festival (Wereld Haven Dagen)

Opening Times and Info:

  • Open Every day between 30.08.23 and 03.09.23 from 10:00 till 16:30.

  • Entrance free to the public. No registration required.

  • Workshops start at indicated times, be on time! General visits are always possible.

  • Location: The Zeemeeuw, Leuvehaven 1. See image below for directions from the Maritime Museum.

Map Zeemeeuw

Official Program


  • 10:30 - 13:00  Water Values: Serious game playing sessions

  • 13:30 - 16:30 Workshop: Water quality measurements with Sandra de Vries. (3 to 4 sessions of 30 mins)


  • 10:30 - 13:00  Water Values: Serious game playing sessions

  • 14:00 - 16:00 Workshop: River, Cloud, Fish, Stone. A participatory role-play conversation with Maud van den Beuken. In the workshop participants will reflect on how they perceive, interpret, and remember the environments they inhabit and navigate. Guided by curators, visitors will explore how personal experiences, cultural influences, and social factors shape their perception of urban environments and their sense of place. (2 workshops: 14:00-14:45, and 15:15-16:00)


  • 10:00 - 12:30  Water Values: Serious game playing sessions.

  • 14:00 - 16:30 Workshop: Mental Mapping and Values of Environment. (Every 30 mins)

  • 18:00 Keynote Presentation Carola Hein at the Container Village: Analyze Port cities in territories which go beyond the borders of policy.

02.09 All Day (10:00 - 16:30)

  • Meet the Curators: Open for conversations. Information regarding mental mapping, Blue Papers, WaterValues serious game, Water & Heritage for Sustainable Development journal.

  • Movie Screening: 'UN of Rivers' FWW videos (UN 2023 Water Conference), 'Flooded memories' HNI movie and Poldergeist videos.

  • Young Water Explorers: Together with the curators of the Water Discovery Lab, kids visiting the exhibition will create their own water passport, draw mental maps of (the port of) Rotterdam.

03.09 All Day (10:00 - 16:30)

  • Meet the Curators: Open for conversations. Information regarding mental mapping, Blue Papers, WaterValues serious game, Water & Heritage for Sustainable Development journal.

  • Movie Screening: 'UN of Rivers' FWW videos (UN 2023 Water Conference), 'Flooded memories' HNI movie and Poldergeist videos.

  • Young Water Explorers: Together with the curators of the Water Discovery Lab, kids visiting the exhibition will create their own water passport, draw mental maps of (the port of) Rotterdam.

Header image by Maritime Museum.