Silvia Sivo and Eliane Schmid Port City Territories in Action: A collaborative Laboratory for Inclusive Energy Transition (PACT) was officially launched on…
by Carlien Donkor, Carola Hein and Matteo D'Agostino Preparations, Expectations, and Outcomes for the Activities of PortCityFutures at the 10th World Water…
Paul van de Laar Port, maritime, and technological path dependencies have shaped priorities on future economic developments and scenarios for transitions (Carse…
Paul van de Laar & Peter Scholten Turkish dock worker with a colleague at Multi-Terminals (1980), Robert de Hartogh, Rotterdam. A superdiverse city The first…
Saskia Tideman The stories we tell about past events are unavoidably biased. Political or ideological agendas drive the selection process determining which…
This blog post was written for the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus magazine June 2020 Port cities are a particular type of territory and are often long-standing examples…