Iuav University of Venice
Silvia Sivo is a PhD Student in Regional Planning and Public Policies at Iuav University of Venice, and guest researcher at Delft University of Technology in the Department of Architecture, researching on the governance of spaces of interaction between port and city in a water-based relational perspective, focusing on Venice as a case study.
Her research interests include planning as a multi-actorial cultural process enabling inclusive governance, water values and maritime culture in coastal and port cities, and a common-oriented paradigm shift for maritime state property.
Trained as engineer and architect, she graduated at the Polytechnic University of Bari and then at the Federico II University of Naples for a second-level master's degree in Sustainable Planning and Design of Port Areas.
Her background lies transversally between practice and research, with experiences as a consultant for Italian public administrations in the fields of metropolitan cities and small port network strategic planning, urban regeneration and social innovation, independent researcher and activist in the field of emerging commons.
In recent years she has been collaborating with the Port Network Authority of the Southern Adriatic Sea for strategic planning and port-city integration workshops, and as co-coordinator of the educational programme Port City School (promoted also by the Port Networks Authority of the Northern Adriatic Sea, the Aldo Moro University of Bari, Ca' Foscari University of Venice Universities, and the Dioguardi Foundation).
She is part of the editorial staff of Seascape.
Last publications:
Chouairi, A. ., & Sivo, S. (2021). Landscape Perspectives for the Port-City Relationship. Reporting from the Workshops of Taranto, Brindisi and Bari. European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes, 4(2), 164–177. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2612-0496/13835
Sivo S., Stile balneare. Turismo abilitante per un approccio attivo e inclusivo al patrimonio costiero, selectioned abstract for the research atelier of the I National Conference on Coastal Landscapes Coste in movimento, promoted by the Observatory Coastal Landscapes, 2021 [Abstract]
https://www.paesaggicostieri.org/_files ugd/4709b6_da78b1415ca1422387149458fc9e1234.pdf
Di Ruocco I., Polverino S., Regalbuto S., Sivo S., A sustainable strategy for the port area of San Giovanni a Teduccio, in TRIA vol. 11 n. 1, e-ISSN 2281-4574 [Scientific article]