Leiden University College The Hague
Sarah E. Hinman is an assistant professor at Leiden University College The Hague, the international honors college of Leiden University where she teaches across a number of domains in the program including the majors of Global Public Health and Earth, Energy, and Sustainability. A broadly trained geographer who earned her Ph.D. from Louisiana State University maintains research interests at the intersections of urban-environmental interactions, public health, historical geography, and geographic information systems. Current teaching and work with students includes an emphasis on the role of green space in cities from the perspectives of ecosystem health, public health, and policies related to such spaces.
Last publications
Hinman, Sarah E. 2017. Comparing spatial distributions of infant mortality over time: Investigating the urban environment of Baltimore, Maryland in 1880 and 1920. Applied Geography 86 (1-7).
Hudson, Paul F. and Sarah E. Hinman. 2017. The integration of geography in a curriculum focused to internationalization: an interdisciplinary liberal arts perspective from the Netherlands. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 41:4 (549-561).