Bergen School of Architecture, ETH Zurich
Nancy Couling is a researching architect at the ETH Zurich (Chair Architecture of Territory, Assoc. Prof. M. Topalović) and Assoc. Prof. for projects and planning at the Bergen School of Architecture. Inspired by frequently intangible, invisible yet critical large-scale urban phenomena, her research has been focused on the urbanisation of the sea. Following architectural studies in New Zealand, she was awarded a post-grad fellowship at IUAV, Venice and worked in international practices before co-founding her own interdisciplinary agency cet-0/01 in Berlin. In 2015 she gained her PhD at the EPFL, supervised by Prof. Harry Gugger, then a post-doc Marie Curie Fellowship at the TU Delft 2017-19 with Carola Hein, investigating urbanisation processes in the North Sea. She frequently lectures, exhibits and publishes. In Bergen she runs the master design course “Explorations in Ocean Space”, investigating the North and Norwegian Seas through technical, artistic, ecological and performative spatial perspectives.
Last publications
Couling, Nancy, The Offshore Petroleumscape- Grids Gods and Giants of the North Sea in C. Hein (ed.) Oil Spaces- Exploring the Global Petroleumscape (London:Routledge, 2021) - sup
Couling, Nancy and Carola Hein, The Urbanisation of the Sea: from concepts and analysis to design (Rotterdam:nai010 publishers, 2020)
Couling, Nancy, Alfaro d'Alençon, Paola and Altiok, Medine, Narrative Cartography- capturing a holistic perspective on Waterscapes, in CPCL European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes, Vol 2 #1 2019, 11-36 Water Resilience: creative Practices- Past, Present and Future
Couling, Nancy and Carola Hein ›Viscosity‹ in Billé Frank (ed) Volumetric Sovereignty, Vol. III Turbulence, Society + Space, 2019
Couling, Nancy and Carola Hein, Blankness: The Architectural Void of North Sea Energy Logistics, in Footprint Delft Architecture Theory Journal Vol 12 Nr 2 Autumn 2018, Issue # 23. Delft: JapSam Books