TU/Delft, UNESCO/IHE-Delft, WaterStudio, UFPE, Brazilian Research Network on Global Climate Change - Rede Clima (MCTI).
PCF Thematic groups: Coastal Cities, Small Ports.
Architect, Urbanist, and Landscape Designer (UFPE) with an MSc Water Science and Engineering, specialized in Sustainable Urban Water Management and Climate-Resilient Cities from UNESCO-IHE, TU Delft, and IHS Erasmus, and a postgraduation in Urban Heritage Strategies for Water Challenges (IHS, TU/Delft, RCE). Mila is deeply committed to advancing climate change adaptation through a research-by-design approach, with a focus on nature-driven technological solutions. Her experience spans public, private, and nonprofit sectors, where she has led and participated in transdisciplinary projects involving prototyping, laboratories, and international workshops.
Mila serves on the executive board for China-Europe Cooperation on Sponge Cities and is the Executive Coordinator for the Netherlands Exchanges Recife project Designing for Extremes: Heritage Strategies for Water Challenges in Recife and The Hague (in collaboration with RCE – Ministry of Science Technology and Education of the Netherlands, the Municipality of The Hague, TU Delft, PCF, IHE Delft, among others). She has developed water-adaptive projects in Brazil, China, Bangladesh, and the Netherlands. As a practitioner and researcher, her work emphasizes resilience and adaptation (in affiliation with TU Delft, UNESCO-IHE, WaterStudio, UFPE, and Rede Clima MCTI).
Recent publications in the last five years (with hyperlinks):
Sarkar A, Avellar Montezuma M, De Martino P, Hanna J, Oberski S. Living with Waters: Understanding and Redefining Small Ports in the Port-City Interface. Vereniging DeltaMetropool.
van de Ven FHM, Zevenbergen C, Avellar Montezuma M, Ding Z, Veerbeek W and Chen S (2024) The Three-Points Sponge Policy approach; toward an enhanced multi-level resilience strategy. Front. Water 6:1361058. doi: 10.3389/frwa.2024.1361058
Kramer L, Ash E, Chester A, Ertsen M, Imam Wahyudi S, Iwamoto K, Avellar Montezuma M, R. Szymkiewicz (2024). Dutch Waterworks Worldwide. NAI10. 240p. ISBN 978-94-6208-846-7
Avellar Montezuma M, Santos S (2024). Cidade-esponja é um caminho para o Recife se adaptar a eventos climáticos extremos. AlgoMais.
Young A, Avellar Montezuma M (2023). Lesson from New York: Inclusivity is central for innovation in water. UNESCO-IHE Delft.
Avellar Montezuma M, Goes Vieira Filho L, Montezuma R, Rocha Diniz F, Henriques JE (2022) RECIFE EXCHANGES: Amsterdam, Holland, Netherlands – International Exchange for Reinvention of the City. Recife: UFPE, CEPE, Observatório do Recife. ISBN 978-85-7858-974-5
Avellar Montezuma M (2021). Cidades vacinadas: Ensaios urbanos e ambientais para um Brasil pós-pandemia. Chapter : Políticas de Saúde e Mudanças Climáticas – ideias para adiar a próxima pandemia. Rio de Janeiro: Rio Books, 2021. 371p. (página inicial do capítulo)- (página final do capítulo). ISBN nº 978-65-87913-35-3. EAN : 9786587913353
Avellar Montezuma M (2020). Coronavirus and Cities in Brazil. Chapter: Epidemias e Mudanças Climáticas – do “Ego” ao “Eco”: projeto de future e future do projeto. Rio de Janeiro: Outras Letras. 204p. ISBN-13: 978-6599053122
Avellar Montezuma M (2020). Uma Membrana Anfibia para Salvar o Recife. Recife: AlgoMais, issue 172.5.
Delaqua V, Marti N, Brajovic M, Avellar Montezuma M, Almeida A, Sa Leitao B, Bins Ely C, Wiss G, Barcelona J, Cardone L, Tsujimura Hjaere M (2017). Projeto pretende criar centro de aprendizagem flutuante na Amazônia
Climate Action Challenge (2017). CCLC – Climate Change Learning Centre. Netherlands: What Design Can Do.