James R. Elliot

Job title
Professor Rice University, Co-Director CFAR

Sociology Department, David W. Leebron University Professor
Co-Director, Center for Coastal Futures and Adaptive Resilience
Rice University, Houston, TX, USA


Dr. James (Jim) Elliott is Professor of Sociology and Co-Director the new Center for Coastal Futures and Adaptive Resilience (CFAR) at Rice University in Houston, Texas (USA). His research focuses on the intersecting forces of social inequality, environmental hazards, and climate adaptation. He has served as a program advisor for the US National Science Foundation and as co-editor of Sociological Perspectives, the official journal of the Pacific Sociological Association.  His co-authored book Sites Unseen: Uncovering Hidden Hazards in American Cities recently won the Robert E. Park Award for best book in community and urban sociology from the American Sociological Association. Current research includes a focus on urban flooding and residential adaptation, including policies and programs of managed retreat, as well as the climate challenges facing port cities and nearby coastal industrial communities.


Recent Relevant Publications

Elliott, James R., Kevin Loughran, and Phylicia Lee Brown.  2023. “Divergent Residential Pathways from Flood-Prone Areas:  How Neighborhood Inequalities Are Shaping Urban Climate Adaptation.”  Social Problems 70(4): 869-892.

Elliott, James R. and Zheye Wang.  2023. “Managed Retreat:  A Nationwide Study of the Local, Racially Segmented Resettlement of Homeowners from Rising Flood Risks.” Environmental Research Letters 18(6): 06-4050.

Marlow, Thomas, James R. Elliott, and Scott Frickel. 2022. “Future Flooding Increases Unequal Exposure Risks to Relic Industrial Pollution.”  Environmental Research Letters Vol. 17: 1-10.

Bernier, Carl, Sabarethinam Kameshwar, James R. Elliott, Jamie E. Padgett, Philip B. Bedient.  2019. “Mitigation Strategies to Protect Petrochemical Infrastructure and Nearby Communities during Storm Surge.”  Natural Hazards Review 19(4): 1-18.

James Elliot Profile
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+1 713 348 2812
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