North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority’s (NTPN- Italy)
She has a PhD in “Territorial management, urbanism” (Phd’s research Title : ‘The port image for port city inhabitants: Livorno case study”, Université of Tours, France, 2017). She also has a Master degree in « Histoire et sémiologie du texte et de l’image- History and semiology of the text and of the image » from the Université de Paris VII (1998) and a Master degree in « Comunicazione ed informazione nelle amministrazioni pubbliche- Communication and information in Public Administrations » from Siena University (2003).
Her work experience covers three main areas: international cooperation in the port and maritime sector, promotion and communication, port urbanism, with a specific interest in port-city integration, Port Centers and (re)territorialization of port heritage areas.
She represents NTPN on several bodies such as ESPO « Cruise and ferries network », AIVP board, and the MedCruise Association.
Last publications
Morucci F. (2015), « Note per un programma d’uso della Fortezza vecchia », in Massa M. (ed.), « Livorno : un porto e la sua città », Livorno : Debatte, 2015, pp 174-189.
Morucci F., Pichi F. (2016), « La vieille forteresse de Livourne, interface historique entre ville et port », Revue de la Méditerranée, édition électronique, Le rôle des villes littorales di Maghreb dans l’histoire, RM2E III. 1 – 2016, pp. 211-234. ISSN: 22749608
Morucci F., Bicocchi J. (2016), « Nuove identità portuali tra globale e locale. Il caso dello sviluppo competitivo dell’area di Livorno », in Portus Plus online, n.6, 2015. ISSN: 2039-6422
Morucci F., Pichi F. (2016), « La forteresse de Livourne : une interface Ville Port historique, un emblème dynamique du passé et du présent, un nouvel outil pour la relation ville/port ». International Congres of AIVP (International Association of Ports and Cities). « Cities and Ports’ Crossovers », 13th World Conference, Rotterdam, 5-7- October 2016. (Published Online
Barbera, M., Ghio, F., Morucci, F., Vanni, C. (2017) Una nuova fase di sviluppo per il porto di Livorno. Foreword to the book Bicocchi, J. Tra terra e mare. Dialoghi sul porto, oggi. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2017, pp.191-209.