HafenCity University Hamburg
Dirk Schubert is Professor em. for Urban Planning, Comparative Planning History, Housing and Urban Renewal at the HafenCity University Hamburg. His research focuses on urban history, planning history, history of housing and urban renewal, particularly on studies on transformations of harbour and waterfront areas in seaport regions and city/port interface areas. He has published several books and articles in Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Chinese and English journals on waterfront transformations and is (co-)editor of several journals. His last two books are about the urban thinker and theorist Jane Jacobs and her impact on urban planning. He was elected President IPHS (International Planning History Society), Chair of the Fritz Schumacher Society Hamburg. He is involved in several networks doing research on urban waterfront transformations like RETE and AIVP and is chairman of the Scientific Committee on Port Vecchio in Trieste.
Last publications
Von den East India Docks zum Super Port “London Gateway” - Die Zukunft der Vergangenheit, in: Selbach, V., Zehner, K. (Hrsg.), London Geographien einer Weltstadt, Bielefeld 2016, S.61-82.
Three Contrasting Approaches to Urban Redevelopment and Waterfront Transformations in Hamburg, in ISOCARP Review 10/2015, pp. 50-61.
Transforming Urban Waterfronts – Fixity and Flow (eds), G. Desfor, J. Laidley, Q. Stevens, D. Schubert, Routledge 2010.
Transformation Processes on Waterfronts in Seaport Cities - Causes and Trends between Divergence and Convergence, in: Port cities as areas of transition : ethnographic perspectives / Waltraud Kokot; Mijal Gandelsman-Trier; Kathrin Wildner; Astrid Wonneberger (eds.). - Bielefeld : transcript Verl. - (Urban Studies), pp. 25-4.
Ports and Urban Waterfronts, in: C. Hein (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Planning History 2018, pp. 338-349.