University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW
As researcher, educator and practitioner, I combine the fields of anthropology, gender studies, urban studies, and architecture in my work. Diversity, participation, coexistence are central aspects in my commitment to engaged scholarship and feminist pedagogy, and my work on urban envisioning, urban and aesthetic activism, intersectional spatial justice, and design-anthropological interventions.
Within the nexus between socio-cultural, bodily and spatial transformation, I engage spatial and sensory ethnography to explore the im/material entanglements of human and non-human actors as they emerge and constantly change, not least through contesting ways of knowing and everyday urban practices. Various projects take the form of multimodal explorations that integrate interaction through research artefacts that address the intersections of bodies, objects, and spaces.
Last publications
Stefano Portelli, Tschoepe, Aylin Y. 2021. “Special Issue: On Activist*scholarship,” Radical Housing Journal, 3 (1).
Genz, Carolin, Tschoepe, Aylin Y. 2021. “Ethnographie als Methodologie zur Erforschung von Räumen und Raumpraktiken.” In Methoden qualitativer Raumforschung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch, edited by Anna Juliane Heinrich, Severine Marguin, Angela Million, Jörg Stollmann. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
Stefano Portelli, Tschoepe, Aylin Y. 2020. “Activist*scholar collaborations in times of crisis, and beyond. Reflections on `Urban Activism: Staking Claims in the 21st Century City.`” Radical Housing Journal, Fall 2020.
Tschoepe, Aylin Y., Susanne Käser. 2020. “Imagin(eer)ing Basel: Praktiken, Bilder und Communities in urbanen Partizipationsprozessen.” In Die Postwachstumsstadt. Konturen einer solidarischen
Stadtpolitik, edited by Frank Eckardt, Anton Brokow-Loga. München: Oekom Verlag.