Fransje Hooimeijer

Job title
Associate Professor; PCF Research Lead

Fransje Hooimeijer specialises in system integration of technical conditions in urban design and interdisciplinary design. She trained as a designer at the Willem de Kooning Academy, as a researcher at Erasmus University, and after having been an independent researcher for a number of years, she carried out a PhD research at TU Delft. In her research and teaching at Delft University of Technology, she takes the perspective of the city as a technical reconstruction of the landscape. She researches how nature can be brought closer to people with concepts such as ecosystem participation and reversed engineering with nature as the foundation for a climate-resilient, natural city. She is involved in practice and research networks in and outside the Netherlands, is editor of the Journal of Delta Urbanism, has contributed to several books and has published in urban planning, technical and scientific journals.
