DAD – Department Architecture and Design, Polytechnic School, University of Genoa, IT
PhD Architect and Assistant Professor at DAD Department Architecture and Design of UniGe. From 2010 to 2015, she was research fellow at Genoa Urban Lab and at Genoa Port Authority. Since 2015, she is Teaching Assistant within the Integrated Studio “Coastal Design Lab”, led by Prof. C. Andriani. In 2018, she co-founds caarpa, a collective project that combines architecture and landscape; in the same year, she has been Guest Researcher at Delft University of Technology. Since 2019, she is Lecturer at UniGe in Landscape Urbanism, Architectural Composition and in the International Architectural Seminar “Villard”. In 2022, she has been scientific consultant for AIVP within the MAGPIE H2020 Smart Green Ports Project. Moretti is author of the books “Un colle, un transatlantico, un nome. Tre storie sul porto di Genova” (Sagep, 2018), “Beyond the Port City. The Condition of Portuality and the Threshold Concept” (JOVIS, 2020) and “A Landscape Infra-structure Research. Roma Tuscolana Pilot Project” (ListLab, 2022, with G. Tucci).
Currently, she is Principal Investigator and Scientific Director for the research project "PULSE - The Port-clUster LandScapE: Developing a Spatial and Design Approach to Port Clusters", host institution UniGe-DAD, funded under the NextGenerationEU Plan.
Recent publications:
PULSE UniGe WebPage & Socials
IG @pulse_nextgeneu
MORETTI B., TUCCI G. (2022). A Landscape Infra-structure Research. Roma Tuscolana Pilot Project. ListLab, Trento, ISBN 978-88-3208-064-3. international/a-landscape-infrastructure-research-tuscolana-project/
MORETTI, B. (2021). La grammatica dei porti, una morfologia speciale di paesaggi analoghi. Il caso del Grain Elevator di Buffalo. GUD, Analogia – Analogy, n. 3, 46-55.
MORETTI, B., SCELSI, V. (2021). Vierwindenhuis. Architettura radicale italiana per la residenza sociale in Olanda. ASUR, n. 131, 70-89.
MORETTI, B. (2020). Beyond the Port City. The Condition of Portuality and the Threshold Concept. JOVIS, Berlin.
MORETTI, B. (2020). The FRAC of Dunkirk by Lacaton & Vassal: About Incommensurability, Duplication and Openness. WA – World Architecture Magazine, n. 356, 114-119.