TU Delft; Deltastad
Han Meyer (1951) graduated as an urbanist at TU Delft and completed his PhD thesis on transformations of port cities in 1997. He was working in the urban renewal process at the Rotterdam City Planning Department from 1980 to 1990. Since 1990 he was employed at TU Delft, first as an Associate Professor Urban Design, from 2001 until 2019 as a Full Professor Urban Design Theories and Methods. He published on the fundamentals of urbanism and on the special conditions for urban design in delta regions. Currently he is director of Deltastad, focusing on the design of sustainable relations between complex water systems and urban development (www.deltastad.nl ).
Last publications
Han Meyer, 2021, Rising Water, Sinking Cities. Venice and Rotterdam: grappling with the landscape of lagoon and delta, OverHolland # 21, 2021. https://www.overholland.ac/index.php/overholland/issue/view/27
Han Meyer, 2020, Delta Urbanism coming of age: 25 years of Delta Urbanism – where are we now? Journal of Delta Urbanism Vol1, #1 https://journals.open.tudelft.nl/jdu
Han Meyer, MaartenJan Hoekstra, John Westrik, 2020, Urbanism – Fundamentals and Prospects, Amsterdam: Boom.
Han Meyer, 2017, The State of the Delta. Engineering, urban development and nation building in The Netherlands, Nijmegen: VanTilt.