Instituto Transporte y Territorio, UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA VALÈNCIA (UPV)
Prof. Vicent Esteban-Chapapría obtained his Msc. in Civil Engineering in 1979 and in 1987 he got his PhD (UPV). Until 1987 he was working as a consultant engineer in the field of ports and maritime engineering. He joined the Civil Engineering School at the Universidad Politécnica Madrid in 1988 and in 1991 he obtained the chair at the UPV. At present he is a full time Ports & Coastal Engineering Professor. His research and professional interests focus on Ports & Maritime Engineering, specifically, on the planning, design, development, and rehabilitation of harbour and coastal infrastructures. He has published more than 60 papers in technical journals and presented more than 75 communications in conferences. Since 2005 until 2008 he was UPV Vice-rector of Studies. Director of the Civil Engineering School 2008-2016. President of the Spanish Association of Civil Engineers 2016-2020. President of the EUR-ACE Quality Label Commission.
Last publications
Esteban, V. (2020): “Disruptions and the effects of covid-19 on city and port plans. Valencia”.
Esteban, V. (2018): “Impacto económico de los puertos e instalaciones para la náutica de recreo y deportiva”. INFORMACIÓN COMERCIAL ESPAÑOLA. pp. 105 - 114. 2018. ISSN 0019-977X.
Esteban, V.; Serra, J.C. (2018): “Valencia, un frente marítimo y portuario renovado”. Revista de Obras Públicas. pp. 176 - 181. ISSN 0034-8619.
Esteban, V. (2017). “New trends in maritime transportation and port activity”. International Journal of Transport Development and Integration. 1. 624-632. 10.2495/TDI-V1-N4-624-632.
Esteban, V. (2017): “Incidencia del tráfico marítimo sobre ciudades y puertos”. Revista de Obras
Públicas. pp. 48 - 55. ISSN 0034-8619.