Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Pedro Ressano Garcia is an architect based in Portugal and Canada, he shares his time between research, teaching and architecture practice. He started teaching at University Of California at Berkeley In 1996. He currently teaches in Université Laval, Quebec, Canada. Garcia Is the author of the book Tagus Platform -- Back to the River, Lisbon’s Waterfront and the 21st Century.
He has been awarded the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation grant, the Pancho Guedes Architecture Award, and currently coordinates an EU Excellence In Science Research grant, focused on the impact of climate change on waterfront.
In his office in Lisbon, Ressano Garcia Arquitectos, theory and practice are combined in projects of architecture, urban design. The work has been published extensively in books, magazines and international events such as the recent Merit Award In the Hsinta Ecological Power Plant International Competition, Taiwan.
Last publications
Garcia, P. R. (Ed.) (2019). “SOS Climate Waterfront: Lisbon 2019”. Open Access: https://zenodo.org/record/3625038#.XiiNqDL7TRY
Garcia, P, R. (2019). “The Lisbon Waterfront: Perspectives on Resilience in the Transition from the Twentieth to the Twenty-First Century”, Journal of Urban History, October 2019, ttps://doi.org/10.1177/0096144219879915
Garcia, P.R., Oliveira, C. (2018). “S.O.S. (Sustainable Open Solutions) Climate Change on the Waterfront”, ISOCARP 54th Annual Congress Proceedings, pp. 440-449. ISBN 978-94-90354-54-1 https://isocarp.org/app/uploads/2018/10/ISOCARP_54th-Congress_Proceedings.pdf
GARCIA, P. R. coord. (2018) Waterfront: Tagus River Gateway, Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. ISBN 978-989-757-091-9 https://issuu.com/pedroressanogarcia/docs/ewwud_2017_waterfront_tagus_river_g
Garcia, P, R. (2018). “Waterfront Future Challenges: Lisbon in the 21st Century”, in (ed. BABALIS D. & TOWNSHEND T. G) Urban Waterfronts and Cultural Heritage. New Perspectives and Opportunities, pp. 42-49, Florence: Altralinea, ISBN 978-889486925-5 https://altralineaedizioni.it/portfolio-item/urban-waterfronts-and-cultural-heritage/