Erasmus University Rotterdam
Hilde Sennema studied Art History and specialized in post-war urban planning and governance. After working in the heritage sector, she started her PhD research at the Erasmus University with Paul van de Laar. Her topic is the public-private governance network that modernized and rebuilt the port city of Rotterdam between 1930 and 1970. Her dissertation is co-supervised by Carola Hein (TU Delft) and business historian Ben Wubs (EUR). Besides her research, she works as a publicist and writes a weekly column in the Dutch financial daily paper Het Financieele Dagblad.
Latest publications
"Filantropie in Rotterdam: een traditie tussen argwaan en vertrouwen", Vers Beton, November 18, 2020.
“Ondernemende weldoeners in perspectief”, review, Tijdschrift Holland,
“Tim Verlaan, De Ruimtemakers. Projectontwikkelaars en de Nederlandse
binnenstad 1950-1980”, review, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 132 (3) November 2019, pp. 534-535.
Columns in Het Financieele Dagblad:
“Interpreting reinterpretation: the 13th conference of the European Association for Urban History, Helsinki, August 24-28, 2016”, Planning Perspectives 32 (2). With Paolo de Martino.
“Voor stad en haven: Jan Backx en de wederopbouw Rotterdam”, in: Rotterdams Jaarboekje (Rotterdam: Roterodamum, 2016).
“Manhattan aan de Maas, Manhattan aan de Mersey. Transnationale elites en lokale identiteit in wereldsteden Rotterdam en Liverpool (1945-1975)”, Stadsgeschiedenis 10 (2015) 1, 63-73.