In Memoriam: Sabine Luning

Sabine has been a beloved colleague and a key actor in PortCityFutures. Building on our shared interest in heritage, Carola engaged with Sabine in long conversations many years ago when we started PortCityFutures. Sabine argued that her work on mining and gold was not related to ports, while Carola pointed out that the two had to be linked as the impact of ports relates to the hinterland and as mining was facilitated by ports. Interdisciplinary exchanges of this kind became the foundation of our stimulating exchanges. 

Sabine joined the PortCityFutures Team and co-led its development into a full-fledged center. Together we organized our monthly meetings, numerous events, courses and conferences developing closer and closer ties. Our research theme on Everyday Infrastructures is an outcome of these engagements. A series of films on port city territories, the conference on the SS Rotterdam and the LDE and LUF grants for the Sea-Ing Africa project speak to her key role in PortCityFutures. 

Sabine was an amazing colleague and great scholar. We—as other colleagues and her family—will miss her dearly. We extend our condolences to all her friends, colleagues and loved ones.

More information:
Sabine Luning (1959-2025) A personal reflection on a life in West African struc…
In Memoriam: Sabine Luning (Leiden University)