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6B Synthesis session: Innovative Organizational Approaches

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Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Room: Nusantara 2

10th World Water Forum Official Thematic Session

Venue: Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (Room: Nusantara 2)

Date: Friday 24th May 2024

Register for the Morning Program 8:30-10:00 (WITA)

Synthesis Session 6B: Accelerating transformative, innovative and integrative approaches: commitments from the UN Water Conference, 10th World Water Forum, and beyond.
The three sessions convened under topic 6B ‘innovative organisational approaches’ include a diverse array of organisations, case studies, and framings of ‘innovation’ and what it means for SDG6 and beyond. The intention of the 6B Synthesis Session is to formalise these learnings and collective ambitions into a set of recommendations and commitments, that will enable participating organisations to advance progress towards innovative approaches beyond the Water Forum. 

The purpose of this session is to build on commitments made at the UN Water Conference in 2023, announce new collective commitments/recommendations relating to organisational innovation, and assess where progress is still needed to bridge the gap between current progress/approaches and these commitments.

The session will include representatives from the Ministry of Senegal, Global Commission on the Economics of Water, and others across academia, NGOs, and the private sector. Following two keynote speeches, contributors will summarise the learnings from across the 6B sessions and reflect on the practicalities and barriers for implementation, and how to enhance collaboration to cement collective goals.

Proposed Program

8:30 - 8:32 Session Opening

Dr Alex Money // Bethan Adams, Watermarq (Topic 6B Coordinating organisation)

8:32 - 8:42 Keynote Address #1

  • Senegal’s engagement relating to the Water Action Agenda and priorities for 2026
  • Chair of water and cooperation session 
  • International perspective on the importance of commitments, how to build on progress from international conferences

Dr Mohamed C.B.C. DIATTA, Coordinator of the Cellule de Suivi, de Promotion et Promotion et de Capitalisation des Résultats du 9 ème Forum mondial de l'Eau // " Dakar Dakar 2022", Ministry of Water and Sanitation - Senegal // Senegal's Sherpa at the International High-Level Panel on Water Investment in Africa and Coordinator of Senegal's participation in the 2nd United Nations Water Conference in New York in March 2023.

8:42 - 8:52 Keynote Address #2

  • Commitments made at UN Water Conference 2023: then and now. 
  • Why are commitments important, policy process 
  • Gap between commitments, current approaches and necessary changes
  • Required transitions, revolutions
  • Upcoming report by the GCEW in September

Henk Ovink, Executive Director of the Global Commission on the Economics of Water.

8:52 - 8:59 Summary of session 6B1

Ulrike Kelm, WWSN

8:59 - 9:06 Summary of session 6B2

Astou Fall, Speak Up Africa // Bethan Adams, Watermarq

9:06 - 9:13 Summary of session 6B3

Matteo D’Agostino // Carola Hein, TU Delft

9:13 - 9:43 Panel Discussion

  • Reflections on the outcomes, recommendations and commitments from 6B 
  • Opportunities and barriers to implementation from the perspective of their organisations 
  • How to take learnings forward to upcoming conferences

Moderator: Bethan Adams, Watermarq

Ulrike Kelm // Matteo D’Agostino // Carola Hein // Astou Fall, Speak Up Africa // Dr Mohamed C.B.C. DIATTA, Representative of the Ministry of Senegal // Henk Ovink, GCEW // Eddy Moors, IHE Delft // Eriberto Eulisse, Global Network of Water Museums // Neil Dhot, AquaFed 

9:43 - 9:58 Audience Q&A

Dr Alex Money/Bethan Adams, Watermarq (Topic 6B Coordinating organisation)

9:58 - 10:00 Session Closing