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Exploring Land-Sea Interactions
Topics and Research

Presentation: Lia Fedele

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Delft University | Faculty of Architecture | Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft - BG.oost.490

Lia Fedele, Architect and PhD Student at Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara 
Exploring Land-Sea Interactions: Topics and Research

Land-Sea Interactions are mainly described as flow and processes which connect land and sea elements, related to natural dynamics and socio-economic activities. The interaction complexity made land-sea spaces critical areas that allow investigating the on-going transformations of coastal cities and the environmental fragilities. The cultural-environmental degradation associated to the land consumption trends, the reorganization of the productive sector, the increasing vulnerability of the coastal areas, and the specificity of smaller ports, turns extreme attention to the Adriatic coast as case study. Research by design approach on target land-sea spaces may address new interpreting categories to define climate adaptive strategies.

Every month at our PortCityFutures team meeting, one of our members or a guest hosts a short presentation about their current or past research. If you want to attend the presentations or present at one of our meetings yourself, please contact us: