The interplay of science, art and port development
It is often said of artists that their view of the world can be refreshing and open new windows for the general public. The starting point of modern art – what we now know as Impressionism – coincides with the 2nd industrial revolution and the maritime revolution of steamships, scaling up and the first large-scale expansion of canals, locks and ports. How did the painters of that time view the world, which was changing around them at the speed of light? In the setting of the exposition Maritime Masterpieces at the Maritime Museum Rotterdam, we invite artists and academia to speak about the port-city of Rotterdam and how they look beyond the horizon of the harbor.

14:15 – 14:45
Free Tour Exhibition Maritime Masterpieces
14:45 – 14:55
Welcome - Robert Anraad, Head of Collections Maritime Museum
14:55 – 15:10
Industrial Revolutions - Carola Hein, academic chair PortCityFutures
15:10 – 15:25
Maritime Masterpieces - Irene Jacobs, curator Maritime Museum
15:25 – 16:15
Panel en Q&A - Sasja Hagens (artist), Carola Hein (professor) Irene Jacobs (curator)
16:15 – 17:00
Drink with snacks on Deck 1
This symposium is an initiative of LDE PortCityFutures in cooperation with Maritime Museum Rotterdam and Rotterdam Mainport Institute.
You can sign up via Once registered you are expected to attend. In unlikely situation that you have to cancel your participation, please send us a message, so that we can give your seat to someone else. To attend the symposium, you must be able to show the coronacheckapp when entering the Maritime Museum.