Who are we?

A port, its neighboring city, and region form a type of territory at select intersections of water and land, across which people, goods, and ideas all flow. Although a port and its infrastructure form a globally connected industrial complex, that complex must share limited space with its city and region. Port functions exist cheek by jowl with lived-in urban spaces, and other built-up and natural areas. PortCityFutures explores these particularities and proposes spatial planning and design measures for the use of this limited space so that the port and city (and region) can jointly evolve.


PortCityFutures employs interdisciplinary methods and long-term perspectives to connect political, economic, social, and cultural dimensions of spatial use. It explores how the flows of goods and people generated by port activities intersect with the dynamics of the natural territory, hydraulic engineering, spatial planning, urban design, architecture, and heritage. It examines the spatial impact of competing interests among port-related and urban spatial development needs and timelines, proposes possible scenarios, and examines the impacts of these futures.

Our team

Port Cities and Health - Part 1: Rotterdam

This film is the first in a series on port cities and health. It takes you to Rotterdam, Europe's largest seaport and shines a light notably on the question of air pollution as related to industry and shipping. It addresses the city’s colorful history, the often troubled, invariably complex interplay between city, people and port, and how people come together to make the city economically, socially, culturally and environmentally sustainable.

Made in Collaboration with BonteKoeMedia and Inbetween Video Productions.

Just added


Portrait Rotterdamrete cover front promo

Portus 42: Rotterdam Portrait is a collaboration between LDE Center PortCityFutures and RETE.


unesco chair logo RETE logoDDFV logo   AIVP Logo     logo museum rotterdamhalle aux sucres dunkerqueUniversity of Gdansk logoHCU hamburg logo       J.E. Jurriaanse StichtingUPVUCU    laval universiteport of NaplesPortCityFutures Partner GUHP logo GUD rosso scuromiami logologo   pleasurescapes   erasmus school HCC   hafen universitat hamburg